
  1. New UFO Hunter

    US Airforce Charles James Hall - The Tall Whites - ET Experiences in the Nevada Desert - 2008

    Name: Charles James Hall Job Description: US Airforce weather observer & Nuclear Physicist Subject matter: ET Relationship Brief Description: ET Experiences in the Nevada Desert Name: Charles James Hall Job Description: US Airforce weather observer & Nuclear Physicist Subject matter: ET...
  2. R

    Prince Charles honors Rabbi Lord Sacks

    On June 24, Prince Charles, attended a dinner in honor of the retirng British Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks. Sacks served as country’s chief rabbi for 22 years, serving Israeli interests in the UK instead of bringing Jewish communities closer to mainstream British Christian and Muslim...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Cover up of Prince Charles links to Savile exposed.

  4. White Rabbit

    Is Prince Charles (BBC - Weatherman) Hinting a 'Bank Holiday' sometime soon..?

    This just seems very odd they they would even try to do this, Prince Charles joked about a 'Bank Holiday' is very strange. May 10, 2012 by IBTimesTV Television audiences watching the weather forecast in Scotland received an unexpected surprise on Thursday (May 10) as Britain's Prince Charles...