

    1986: The Court

    Behind our house, although the front was kept sprinkled and cut, a bramble jungle swept down to the vague edge of the property. A staircase teetered from the basement door and disappeared in briars. It felt to me like ugliness. And also weird allure. Scratched from the...
  2. Denise

    Al Gore 'LOSES IT' as he still tries to Defend the Global Warming LIE..!

    Al Gore feels the heat, and has a meltdown “Goddamn”. “BullSh#t”. Al Gore is losing his cool as he loses the argument. Speaking at the Aspen Institute, Vice President Al Gore explains how corporate interests have manipulated scientific institutions and the news media to defend everything...

    Vegans Spar With Spokeswoman Over Cancer and Hotdogs

    The Opening Serve: The PCRM erected a billboard equating sausages to cancer near the Indianapolis Motor Speedway reading: "Hot Dogs Can Wreck Your Health." Pictured were frankfurters in a cigarette pack, with a link to, a website which the PCRM runs. "A hot dog a day could send...
  4. R

    ‘Dr. Mossad’ commits suicide

    Dr. Yonah Elian 88, committed suicide in his Ramat Aviv apartment (Tel Aviv) on Friday. Elian had worked for Israeli Mossad for two decades. He took part in many Mossad operations as an anesthesiologist to sedate victims who were to be kidnapped or otherwise incapacitated. Mossad is also...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Alberta First Nation sues over seized smokes

    Alberta's Montana First Nation, Chief Carolyn Buffalo and Quebec company Rainbow Tobacco have filed a lawsuit demanding the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission return 75,000 cartons of cigarettes seized from a Quonset hut in Hobbema, Alta., last month. In the statement of claim filed Friday in...

    What Causes Cancer? 7 Strange Cancer Claims Explained

    Bras, deodorant, and mouthwash*—just a few of the everyday products that have been linked to cancer at some point during the past several decades. Preposterous? Not at the time, and new suspects have been added to the list. The following slides reveal the real story behind ordinary household...

    Still Life

    "I'm sorry," the novelist apologized— "my story has a beginning, middle and an end." Then she commenced her explication of the tapestry hanging on the wall. Usually these large, time-faded rectangles of textile woven in the fourteenth century depict...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Did the Father of Propaganda Convince America that Fluoride Is Safe?

    Washington’s Blog Jan 9, 2011</p> Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, created the modern field of manipulation of public perceptions. As veteran reporter John Pilger writes: Bernays, described as the father of the media age, was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. “Propaganda,” he wrote, “got to be a...
  9. funbunz29

    [FYI] This Day In History December 24

    358th day of 2010 - 7 remaining Friday, December 24, 2010 PEACE ON EARTH DAY The moon seemed a little closer to Earth this day ... and the world got a little smaller. It was 1968 and three astronauts, James A. Lovell, William Anders and Frank Borman, had reached the moon. It had been just...
  10. CASPER

    [Inspiring] Modern Indian History

    ¤ European Influence Over India The period from 1707AD, the year when Aurangzeb died, to 1857, the year of the Indian Uprising, saw the gradual increase of the European influence in India. The Europeans had been filtering into India for a long time before they actually decided to set up shop...
  11. CASPER

    Leak: US fears theft of bioweapons from India labs

    NEW DELHI – U.S. officials fear lax security at Indian laboratories could make the facilities targets for terrorists seeking biological weapons to launch attacks across the globe, according to comments in a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable made public Friday. The cable was part of a trove of...
  12. Truth Vibrations

    Director Blake Edwards, creator of 'Pink Panther,' has died

    Director Blake Edwards has died at the age of 88. Los Angeles, California -- Director Blake Edwards, best known for his "Pink Panther" film series and "Breakfast at Tiffany's," has died at the age of 88, his publicist said Thursday. Edwards died Wednesday night of complications from pneumonia...
  13. Truth Vibrations

    RCMP probe Bay Bulls standoff escape

    Leo Crockwell was arrested Saturday, after a weeklong armed standoff with RCMP in Bay Bulls, south of St. John's. Police in eastern Newfoundland are investigating how a man was able to walk away from an armed standoff with the RCMP without being noticed. Leo Crockwell, 55, appeared in...
  14. R

    [Attention] Tobacco Firms concealed polonium in cigarettes

    Tobacco Firms concealed polonium in cigarettes March 27, 2010 Some of the world's largest cigarette manufacturers know, on the basis of own research for decades that their product also contains the deadly radioactive polonium, but kept it quiet all this time. LONDON (AP)-The report in The...
  15. R

    The soy lecithin debate

    The soy lecithin debate Soy can be found in almost everything we eat today, from infant formulas to protein bars. Most people believe that it’s something healthy to consume, but it has a sinister side that is kept hidden for the sake of the old mighty dollar. Do you eat soy? A...
  16. CASPER

    Creation Myth

    Creation Myth My mother & father are both chemists. They light their ranch-style home with Bunsen burners & drink from glass beakers. They created the universe in 1968 when they dripped one foul-smelling chemical into a clear chemical that smelled like ice & formed my brother. The universe was...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Vaccines cause autism: Supporting evidence

    Mike Adams Natural News Tuesday, Oct 6th, 2009 Rates of autism have skyrocketed 1000% since 1990, yet defenders of vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry keep scratching their heads in confusion: What could be causing this? Lots of clues point to vaccines as one of the primary contributing...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Message from JESUS DEAN - Meditate on this!

    The following snippet is from David Icke's forum: A christian wish list:
  19. R

    The Deep Politics of Hollywood In the Parents` Best Interests

    The Deep Politics of Hollywood In the Parents` Best Interests by Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham Global Research, February 26, 2009 - 2009-02-21 Tom Cruise – “the world’s most powerful celebrity” according to Forbes Magazine – was unceremoniously sacked in 2006. His dismissal was...