
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Protest on the planet from 1979 to 2013

    The 70's are not as bad as today, by the end of the video there are a ton. "Penn State doctoral candidate John Beieler has created a time-lapse visualization of every protest on the planet since 1979, and its jaw dropping" Ultraculture | Tools for a Better Future
  2. longhorn

    [ALERT!] Bernanke’s Neofeudal Rentier Economy

    Bernanke’s Neofeudal Rentier Economy (May 7, 2013) The Fed has directly created a neofeudal rentier (peon) economy and society. "The Fed has directly created a neofeudal rentier economy and society. Giving the financier class unlimited access to free credit with which to buy rentier assets...
  3. 100th Monkey

    AIDS/HIV Manmade

    I already knew about AIDS being man made, this video shows the man who created AIDS: Robert Gallo. Think about the bad karma he has!!
  4. 100th Monkey

    Dr Robert Gallo created AIDS

    Anyone know if this it true?
  5. Unhypnotized

    A Message to the Masses - Anunnaki, do not watch this!

    this is an extremely very well created video clip really worth a close watch!
  6. R

    Ron Paul "The Fed Can Create Money Out Of Thin Air! Just Last Week They Created 50 Bi

    Ron Paul "The Fed Can Create Money Out Of Thin Air! Just Last Week They Created 50 Billion Dollars!" Source: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.