
  1. L

    [Awesome!] ebook, The Gods of Eden

    Book for starseeds http://www.exopoliticshongkong.com/uploads/The_Gods_of_Eden_pdf_file.pdf
  2. Unhypnotize

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours?

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours? I have a list of my favourite books to share; it is growing. It covers areas like spiritual science, hypnosis, astral projection, parapsychology, channelling, spirituality, ETs, meditation, remote viewing, education psychology, micro-expression, self-help...
  3. Unhypnotize

    707MB Books to Share + More

    The 707MB books from Project Avalon can be downloaded from: http://projectavalon.net/eBooks.zip Source: Free Books!
  4. 100th Monkey

    a good resource free eBook

    Here is a link I found to some free eBooks, seems to be a good resource. http://exopoliticshongkong.com/Free_On-line_books.html
  5. R

    winston shrout - eliminating debt and other stuff dvds

    blah blah blah go back to sleep blah blah blah
  6. Unhypnotize

    Meditation Techniques to Connect to Your Higher Self and other Benevolent ETs

    I have recent read Brad Johnson’s book “The Earth/Lyra Connection: Teachings from Our Interstellar Ancestors”. It is a brilliant book I like it very much. I rate it 5 out of 5. The book can be found at: 2012Evolution.com » Lyra/Earth Connection E-book In the book, Brad talked about how he...
  7. M

    [Bombshell!] The Noosphere 9-11-2001 Anomaly

    Hello Everyone, I have an E-Book about a 9/11 anomaly that is almost unknown. Here's the book Description I've given on Amazon (btw, the book is under two bucks): Book Description Publication Date: June 25, 2012 Welcome to the first in what will be a series of books derived from previous...
  8. R

    Elie Wiesel: ‘Don’t equate Iran with Holocaust’

    In an interview with Israeli daily Globes (April 19, 2012), the father of Holocaust Museum industry, Elie Wiesel, 83, has cautioned Israeli propagandists to avoid comparing Iranian threat to the Zionist regime with the Zionist patent ‘Holocaust’. In response to the question that Benji...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    NASA admits losing laptop that controls the ISS

    Well it looks like another black eye for Nasa.The laptop, which was not encrypted, was among dozens of mobile devices lost or stolen in recent years that contained sensitive information, the space agency’s inspector general told Congress today in testimony highlighting NASA’s security...
  10. CASPER


    Undone The workmen closed our street and sidewalk with striped yellow sawhorses. They noisily drilled up all four corner curbs. Their faces focused, intent on the task. They poured wet cement—raking, smoothing to damp slopes. Cement mixer rumbled and churned—six men, two days of work. Everyone...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    NEWS: "As Scientists Search for Alien Worlds, Has ET Life Has Already Made Contact?"

    As Scientists Search for Alien Worlds, One Man Claims ET Life Has Already Made Contact BOULDER, Colo., Jan. 31, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Kepler continues to scan the stars for habitable worlds, author Marshall Vian Summers claims a message from an ET source has already arrived on Earth...
  12. Denise

    Fearlessness in the 2012 Paradigm Shift free ebook

    Wanted to talk about this with some of you who might want to consider reading this free book: Fearlessness in the 2012 Paradigm Shift.
  13. Denise

    Free e-book: The Bigger Picture

    1st Edition (August 13th, 2011), ISBN 978-90-813871-01-9, 58 pages The Bigger Picture puts the materialistic worldview into a larger framework. It merges the remarkable findings of modern science with the profound wisdom of ancient science into the explanations of Wholly Science. Wholly Science...
  14. Denise

    The purpose of our existence "Freedom of Choice"

    Freedom of Choice by Thomas Chalko This is among the finest reads ever. it could be down loaded free of charge right here: http://www.thefreedomofchoice.com/e-book.pdf
  15. Denise

    David Morgan on Veritas - Silver and the Global Recession

    "With the current global crisis and stock market meltdowns we bring David Morgan, an economist and silver expert to discuss the merits of buying silver to hedge the falling dollar. We discussed the current global economic crisis, the Federal Reserve, and more. B i o Seduced by silver at the...
  16. R

    Holozac for Holocaust Deniers

    by Michael James Soon to be marketed and sold under the name Holozac, the drug works by rapidly closing down the brain's centre of intellectual inquiry. It also blocks the re-uptake of politically incorrect neurotransmitters involved in critical thought processes, making it more difficult to...
  17. Denise

    For fans of Messages From Matthew

    http://stevebeckow.com/2011/06/backg...-2011-message/ I believe the creator or this site is directly in touch with Suzy Ward, who channels Mathew's messages. There is a lot more channeled info on his site as well. "Background and Analysis of Matthew’s June 11, 2011 Message 2011 June 12 by...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Timeline Shifts: Mastering the Art of Choosing Realities by DL Zeta

    Working with timeline shifts is one way to master the art of choosing the realities you experience. Each person accepts and lives according to standard-issue realities or they wake up and take an active role in their life by choosing the realities they experience. In order to effectively shift...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    International UFO Congress 2010 Year in Review

    This appears to be a good review of the UFO phenomena for 2010. UFO Year in Review 2010 Why are we writing a story about the year in review when it is already the first week of March? Well, that is because we just wrapped up the 2011 International UFO Congress (IUFOC), and to start things...
  20. CASPER

    [Bombshell!] Saudi charged in U.S. bomb plot, Bush possible target

    A 20-year-old Saudi student has been arrested in Texas in a bomb plot that may have targeted former President George W. Bush and nuclear plants, U.S. authorities said on Thursday. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, who was admitted into the United States in 2008 on a student visa and was attending college...