
  1. ianchris948

    "Organized Stalking" - How to recognize the Perpetrators hired to attack "Targeted Individuals"

    The Perpetrators Who would want this job? What is a Perpetrator? A Perpetrator is anyone who has been trained to harass, torture, maim, and kill a Target, either by direct means, or by covert means including, electronic, biological, or "accidental" means. Career perps make a good living...
  2. 2

    [Must Read!] Congress told: U.S. life 'unsustainable' after EMP

    Congress told: U.S. life ‘unsustainable’ after EMP by F. Michael Maloof I read this book over a year ago it was in novel format, so it was interesting to read, was by William Forstchen called One Second After. It is food for thought what happens to us should the Power Grid go down? My...
  3. 2

    [Must Read!] Wahingington Times: Inside the Ring: North Korean EMP

    While we were being distracted by Weather, The Elections, etc. for the most part their hasn't been alot of mention of North Korea, except, the fact that Kim Jong Un is perhaps loosening the grip his father had on the North Korean people. Out of the blue comes this story in the Washington...
  4. 2

    [Must Read!] Odd Radio Blast heard before Colorado Massacre

    It would seem that we're being played again. Whether dems or Republicans knew about this is unsure, but then I don't believe in either party anymore. However, it's very sad that 12 people lost their lives in what could be an experiment or intentional use in Mind Control, these people or person...
  5. Denise

    Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

    By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing...
  6. White Rabbit

    US army unveils electromagnetic weapon for crowd control

    But what are the long term side effects??
  7. G

    [Info!] New Sound Frequency Strange Effect

    I'm not sure how popular the use of Brainwave Entrainment, and or Physical Body Entrainment is on this site, but I am in the science section, so i'll give it a go! This is my own personal experience that I recorded. We all know the frequency technology is getting bigger, and more commonly...
  8. 100th Monkey

    Nikola Tesla Was Murdered By Nazi SS Commando Otto Skorzen..!

    15 February 2012 Otto Skorzeny’s Deathbed Confession … edited by Sir Vojislav Milosevic, Director, Center for Counter-terrorism & World Peace Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest and most gifted men ever to have walked this Earth. A huge amount has been written about the prodigal genius of...
  9. Truth Vibrations

    Fusion Torch Can Create New Raw Materials

    January 1, 2004 • 12:00 AM Marjorie Mazel Hecht reports: How soon the world might run out of necessary resources and raw materials, from drinkable water to strategic minerals, should be no concern for panic, rationing, or calls for population control. We have the ability now to create the...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    Kepler's SETI Project Detects First Signals

    In an effort to detect the radio emissions from a hypothetical extraterrestrial intelligence, it helps to know where to look. Space, after all, is a very big place and the chances of accidentally stumbling across an alien television signal is very low. So, using data from the Kepler space...
  11. 100th Monkey

    Pentagon-backed 'time cloak' stops the clock

    ["In this 2011 illustration, provided by Cornell University, scientists demonstrate how they have have created, a new invisibility technique that doesn’t just cloak an object _ like in Harry Potter books and movies _ but masks an entire event. It is a time masker that works by briefly...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    UFO's on the increase ... More the same in 2012?

    UFO sightings increase 67 percent in 3 years Whats in store for 2012? Unemployment, gas prices, and fear over global warming aren't the only things skyrocketing -- so are mysterious objects rocketing through the sky. The Mutual UFO Network -- the largest privately funded UFO research...
  13. White Rabbit

    How to Levitate Stones (Coral Castle)

    HOW? Stone levitation as recorded in the monuments of mostly long past but also some recent origins is a process of using of acoustic resonance induced magnetic levitation. I seem to have nailed down so far all those used by the late Edward Leadskalnin, the builder of the Coral Castle in...
  14. Denise

    The UFO Phenomena The Metatronic Perspective Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    The UFO Phenomena The Metatronic Perspective Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Question to Metatron: Many have spoken of extra terrestrial beings having bases within inner dimensions of earth, and that these occur in hologramic dimensions. Many report seeing such craft, yet it seems...
  15. Denise

    Message from the Masters Received by Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.

    November 26, 2011 Greetings from that which is light! You are in exciting times for any species, with energies coming to you that affect not only your experiences in your world, but who you are as beings of light. Your light quotients are rising faster and to greater heights than ever...
  16. Denise

    10 outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the future

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) What corporate-driven "science" has in mind for the future of humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that's been portrayed by the mainstream media. To hear the corporate-run media tell it, science...
  17. Truth Vibrations

    Chemtrails Explained

    Now this throws just a little light about them: by Dan Eden for viewzone The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails." Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude. Up there, almost 6 miles high...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    Gravity, UFOs, & Mars Dr. John Brandenburg

    2 sep 2011 Continuing Einstein's quest for a Unified Field Theory, plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg presented his theory which connects gravity and electromagnetism. Calling it the GEM unification theory, he explained that electromagnetism actually has three forces-- electric, magnetic...
  19. Denise

    Light Streamings: September 2011 ~ The Great Flip by Carol Fitzpatrick

    Light Streamings: September 2011 ~ The Great Flip by Carol Fitzpatrick =========================================== I have come to call this time in my life the shift-point, not because life is happening in big ways (it is) but because the energy of the higher dimensional realms is becoming...
  20. Denise

    Day 6 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    From September 5th to September the 22nd, we enter into Day Six of the Universal Underworld, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light through the Cosmic Ray of Galactic Christ Consciousness, and the Brotherhood of the Light. This Cosmic ray focus brings a greater level of Cosmic...