
  1. Unhypnotized

    Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

    It may seem impossible to stop Monsanto, but here is an idea that can work! Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath Thursday, July 28, 2011 by: Ronnie Cummins Learn more: (NaturalNews)...
  2. Unhypnotized

    People Of Earth: Prepare For Economic Disaster

    The Economic Collapse March 5, 2011 It is not just the United States that is headed for an economic collapse.* The truth is that the entire world is heading for a massive economic meltdown and the people of earth need to be warned about the coming economic disaster that is going to sweep the...

    Mass. company making diesel with sun, water, CO2

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – A Massachusetts biotechnology company says it can produce the fuel that runs Jaguars and jet engines using the same ingredients that make grass grow. Joule Unlimited has invented a genetically-engineered organism that it says simply secretes diesel fuel or ethanol wherever it...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Ohio train derailment prompts evacuations -- A train carrying thousands of gallons of ethanol derailed Sunday in northwestern Ohio, forcing nearby evacuations, emergency management officials said. Video from the scene showed a massive blaze ignited by the incident...

    What Causes Cancer? 7 Strange Cancer Claims Explained

    Bras, deodorant, and mouthwash*—just a few of the everyday products that have been linked to cancer at some point during the past several decades. Preposterous? Not at the time, and new suspects have been added to the list. The following slides reveal the real story behind ordinary household...

    Bovine bellies yield clues for new biofuels

    Researchers looking for better ways to make biofuels turned to experts at breaking down grass -- cattle -- and found more than a dozen new compounds in their guts that might help make new, cheap sources of energy. They used new genetic sequencing techniques to find microbes that make enzymes...
  7. Unhypnotized

    7 Reasons Food Shortages Will Become a Global Crisis

    Activist Post Jan 8, 2011 Food inflation is here and it’s here to stay. *We can see it getting worse every time we buy groceries. Basic food commodities like wheat, corn, soybeans, and rice have been skyrocketing since July, 2010 torecord highs. *These sustained price increases are only...
  8. Unhypnotized

    The Looming Food Crisis

    Wealth Cycles Jan 7, 2011 In the United States, it’s sometimes hard to imagine the disaster that rising food prices wreak. In Western countries, we are more likely battling obesity than starvation. In 2007, with food prices skyrocketing,*The Economist declared this: “In 1974-2005 food prices...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era

    12-29-2010 05:33 AM 'The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC), the leading independent research organization in the United States on the subject of the next climate change, issues today the following warning of imminent crop damage expected to produce food and ethanol shortages for the US...
  10. Unhypnotized

    November 20, 2009: The Day “Global Warming” Ended

    Alan Caruba Thursday, November 18, 2010 November 20, 2009 is an important date because it was the day that “global warming” ended. It was the day that a total fabrication, a hoax, was revealed to be the work of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), aided and...
  11. CASPER

    Oil will run out 100 years before new fuels developed: study

    WASHINGTON – The world will run out of oil around 100 years before replacement energy sources are available, if oil use and development of new fuels continue at the current pace, a US study warns. Researchers at the University of California, Davis (UC-Davis) used the current share prices of...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Global Warming Alarmism is a Grave Threat to our Liberty

    Václav Klaus President of the Czech Republic March 9, 2010 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for giving me the chance to address this distinguished audience and for asking me to speak on one of the issues I consider absolutely crucial. I am convinced that the ideology of...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Revolutionary: SPRAY-ON LIQUID GLASS

    Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything 03-02-2010 Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Government despite fallout over science fraud

    Aaron Dykes Infowars December 19, 2009 IN HIS THIRD EXCLUSIVE EXPOSÉ OF THE CLIMATEGATE FALLOUT, Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance– as evidenced by quotes...
  15. R

    The new weapons of genetic engineering

    The new weapons of genetic engineering GRAIN Over the last few years biotech laboratories and industry have developed two new techniques – artificial minichromosomes and transformed organelles – which, the industry claims, will allow it to overcome the problems it has faced until now with...
  16. CASPER

    Ill. derailment revives hazardous cargo debate

    When derailed freight train cars carrying ethanol burst into flames just 50 miles from her Chicago suburb, killing a motorist who tried to flee, Barrington Mayor Karen Darch saw her worst fears realized. "This is exactly the kind of thing we've been afraid of," said Darch, who tried but failed...
  17. R

    Jurassic Park a step closer?

    Jurassic Park a step closer? Thursday, March 12, 2009 Resurrecting the Planet's Extinct Species-Can It Be Done? Scientists at the Universities of Melbourne and Texas have successfully resurrected a gene from the extinct Tasmanian Tiger. This certainly is not Jurassic Park - more like a...
  18. R

    Threat of famine U.S. in 2009

    Threat of famine U.S. in 2009 Tuesday, December 2, 2008 The extreme weather of the past year, worldwide and in the U.S. a huge attack on crops. Ca's agricultural belt dies by drought, the cereal reserves are depleted and the population decreased bees also makes for a poor harvest. Despite...
  19. anonymous1

    So if we are pumping 1000's of gallons of oil out of the earth is the earth getting hollow?

    What are we doing to the planet we live on?