
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Ben Fulford June 16, 2014: Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?

    June 16, 2014 Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full report here.
  2. R

    European shalt not ‘scorn Israel’

    Last month, the Zionist occupied European Union (EU) tried to show its ‘independence’ by suggesting that it would no longer fund any Israeli entity based in or connected to the West Bank, East Jerusalem or the Golan Height. This mild warning brought furious reaction from Israeli government...
  3. Denise

    GMO corn MON810 banned in Italy!

    The original news article in the Italian news: From Source: Motion to ban from April MON810 "began": More: GM Freeze | News releases More here...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, July 8, 1013

    As US “pivots” to Asia, Russia charges into Europe and the Middle-East Last week’s regime change in Egypt reflects a bold geopolitical chess move by Russia’s Vladimir Putin. In response to the US draw down of its forces in Europe and its’ “pivot” to Asia, Putin has moved in force into the...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    UFOs Europe Untold Stories

    "UFO Europe" ... For the National Geographic Channel:
  6. R

    Why Zionist Jews hate Hungary?

    On May 7, 2013, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) concluded its 3-day annual conference in Budapest, Hungary to discuss the alarming rise of antisemitism in several European countries especially Hungary. Over 600 Jewish leaders from around the world attended the conference. Usually this conference...
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    Malcolm X’s grandson murdered in Mexico city

    Malcolm Latif Shabazz 29, grandson of world renowned Afro-American Muslim human rights activist, Malcolm X (Al-Hajj Malik el Shahbaz) died in a Mexico city hospital as result of racial beating on Thursday. Mexico’s attorney general’s office said a murder investigation was under way. Malcolm...
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    British physicist under ‘Israeli knife’

    World renowned British physicist, professor Stephen Hawking 71, is being chased by Israeli racist squad for boycotting Presidential Conference in Jerusalem, a major Zionist annual Hasbara (propaganda) event to be chaired by Zionist president Shimon Peres, a war criminal. Hawking informed Peres...
  9. R

    Vatican II and the Zionist Jews

    The Vatican has a long history of “love and hatred”. Many anti-Catholic Jews have accused Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) for not doing much to stop Jewish ethnic-cleansing by Nazis. John Cromwell in book “Hitler’s Pope”, called Pope Pius XII an antisemite while Robert Wistrich argued he was...
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    Malaysia: ‘No regime change for US-Israel’

    Malaysia’s ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) lead by United Malays National Organization (UMNO) has won 133 seats in the country’s 222-member parliament, with a loss of 7 seats. It’s UMNO’s 13th consective victory since the country’s independence in 1957. The opposition coalition, Pakatan...
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    British Archives: “Zionists were Terrorists, Nazis and Savages”

    The British National Archives released last week, contains an intelligence report dated April 30, 1948 – two weeks before David Ben Gurion unilaterally declared the establishment of Israel. In the report, Sir Alan Cunningham, the last High Commissionar of the British Mandate authority in...
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    Chavez haunts Zionist leaders from his grave

    Obama administration refuses to accept the 1.6% margin victory by Chavez’s handpicked successor, Nicolas Maduro, over USrael-backed crypto-Jewish candidate Henrique Capriles in April 14 presidential election. Washington, as usual, has called Maduro victory as “stolen election” even though former...
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    Ex-priest: “Papacy is Doomed”

    I just came across an article written by Mike Rivage-Seul, an academic at the Berea College in Kentucky and a former priest. The article is titled, ‘Why the New Pope Should Resign: The Pedophilia Syndrome‘, in which the author claims that Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope Francis I is very bad news for...
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    Uniting Muslim nations through gas pipeline

    Tehran’s gas pipeline diplomacy to free Muslim nation-states from western economic strangulation has finally start paying off. Islamic Republic has long planned to bring its Muslim neighbors, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Jorda, Lebanon and Syria together through a network of gas pipelines –...
  15. R

    Israel’s big brother hesitant to attack Iran

    Barack Obama told Israel’s TV Channel 2 ahead of his visit to Israel next week that Washington was committed to cover Israel’s back from Iranian attack no matter what. He also said that Washington considers an Iranian nuclear weapon as the “red line” that threatens Israel and its big brother...
  16. R

    FDR, holocaust and more Jewish whining

    Two Jewish authors, Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman, in 2012 book, ‘FDR and the Jews’, have claimed that American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had, indirectly collaborated with Hitler in committing Jewish holocaust. FDR’s collaboration included refusal to accept Jewish refugees...
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    Lobby: ‘Pope Francis I is kosher’

    On March 13, Jewish groups in the US, Canada, Europe, and Latin America hailed the selection of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio 76, as the new Pope Francis I as a “friend of Jews and Israel”. Jewish leaders are hopeful that Pope Francis I, as former Archbishop of Buenos Aires would be able...
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    Greek ‘Shoah carriages’!

    The Zionists have developed some very interesting ways to sell their narrative of Shoah (Holocaust) - from porn to museums. Former Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban had once said: “There’s no business like Shoah business“. Efthymios Kontopoulos 83, is a retired engineer from Greek railway...
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    Kerry’s message to Kenya misses President-elect’s name!

    Ahmed Isaac Hassan, Chairman Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission ( IEBC), declares Uhuru Kenyatta duly elected President of Kenya after he garnered 50.07 per cent of votes cast. Yesterday, John Kerry, US secretary of state, sent a message congratulating Kenyans for voting peacefully...
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    Lobby: Canada Postal Union is antisemitic!

    Stephen Harper’s government has asked country’s Postal Workers Union (CUPW) to apologize for insulting Canada’s closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The union is once again chased by the powerful Jewish lobby groups for using its news letter to spread hatred towards...