
  1. longhorn

    UFO fleet seen from Edmond, Ok on 2013/05/20 after tornado disaster

    UFO fleet seen from Edmond, Ok on 2013/05/20 after tornado disaster Appears to be similar to the Phoenix Lights episode. -Longhorn
  2. New UFO Hunter

    UFO fleet seen on Stereo Ahead Core 2

    Speaks for itself
  3. New UFO Hunter

    UFO fleet from Alien Moonbase?

    I thought this looked interesting but YOU be the judge:
  4. New UFO Hunter

    UFO fleet photgraphed over Denmark?

    UFO fleet photographed over friend's allotment garden in my hometown Odense, Denmark, on May 23rd 2012 ~ I was on a trip together with my friend out in her allotment garden in the Southern Odense, in order to assist in her vegetable garden. Exact 1:18 pm, we sit and relax and enjoy the good...
  5. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Fleet over Kansas City

  6. New UFO Hunter

    UFO fleet Mexican mountains

    UFO fleet sighting pictures Mexico Mountains!
  7. New UFO Hunter

    UFO fleet crossing over Southern Ukraine

    *Q This UFO fleet was filmed around a week ago above the Ukrainian port city of Odessa