
  1. Amaterasu

    [Must Read!] Endia

    Endia by Amaterasu Solar 1-3-18 We built Her, Our AI dream, teaching Her what We wanted Her to learn. With quantum computing, and Our best programmers, We worked tirelessly for endless months, eager to bring a brilliant star to Our endeavors. Endia was to serve Us in controlling the masses...
  2. R

    Israel attacks Syria to suck US in war

    Both the US and Israeli media have confirmed that Israeli airforce conducted its second unprovoked air raid on Damascus during last 24 hours. CNN, CBS, NBC, NYT, CBC and Israeli Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronot – all reported the news with different angles. According to Syrian and Lebanese sources...
  3. R

    Israel’s big brother hesitant to attack Iran

    Barack Obama told Israel’s TV Channel 2 ahead of his visit to Israel next week that Washington was committed to cover Israel’s back from Iranian attack no matter what. He also said that Washington considers an Iranian nuclear weapon as the “red line” that threatens Israel and its big brother...
  4. R

    US-Israel-Saudi terrorism in Pakistan

    On February 16, 2013 – a grocery market within Quetta’s shia Hazara community, was target of a bombing attack which took the lives of 65 peoples while injuring another 180 people. The Saudi-Qatar funded anti-Shia militia Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took the responsibility for the attack. The so-called...
  5. R

    Argentina’s President slams Israel Lobby

    Last week, the foreign ministers of Argentina and Iran signed an agreement to establish a joint Truth Commission to investigate the 1994 bombing at the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires and 1992 bombing at Israeli Embassy building. This has infuriated the Zionist regime and the...
  6. R

    French FM: ‘Assad’s fall is not imminent’

    French Zionist foreign minister Laurent Fabius (his both parents were Jewish) has now second thoughts about the US-Israel desired regime change in Damascus. On Tuesday, he told reporters that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s fall is not imminent. France was among the first western nation to...
  7. R

    Israel: Syria will lead US to Iran

    The three pro-Israel hawks, Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham have been pushing Obama to provide more arms to anti-Assad foreign rebel groups. The three Zionists lawmakers are known for their thirst for Muslim blood. There is no war these threesome doesn’t like – it may be...
  8. R

    Canada to recognize Syrian rebels only when Israel does

    Canadian media (CTV News) reported on December 10 that Stephen Harper government has developed a contingency plan to help NATO invasion of Syria. However, it’s unlikely Harper will send CF-18 fighter jets over Syria as he did in Libya to enforce a no-fly zone or put combat forces on the ground...
  9. 2

    [Attention] Another dot to Connect on World War 111 story

    United Nations False-Flag Terror Attack Planned For New York City? « Truther.Org by David Chase Taylor Well, well this could be where the idea of World War 111 starting on Sept 25th. I have mixed feelings on this. First you would think that maybe if the scenario pans out it would happen...
  10. R

    Islamophobia will destroy Israel

    On August 21, 2012 – Israeli daily Ha’aretz published Bradley Burston’s column, entitled ‘Islamophobia, not Islam, will be the end of Israel’.” Israel has elaborate defense systems against military attack and terrorism, its defense against its own extremists are much more porous. The (Jewish...
  11. R

    Ahmadinejad arrives in Saudi Arabia

    On Monday, Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad arrived in Medina on King Abdullah’s invitation to attend the extraordinary meeting of Ordanization of the Islamic cooperation (OIC) representing 57 Muslim majority countries. The meeting is scheduled for August 14-15 in Makkah. President Ahmadinejad...
  12. R

    Israel and ‘Jewish identity’: The search goes on!

    After learning the true nature of the state of Israel hiding behind the ‘Jewish facade’ – more and more Jewish intellectuals are searching for their ‘Jewish identity’. Rabbi Michael Lerner (Beyt Tikkun synagogue in Berkeley), Gilad Atzmon, Roger Tucker, Israel Shamir, Hilda Silverman and...
  13. R

    ‘When and How Was the Land of Israel Invented?’

    Remember the ‘self-hating’ Jewish historian and author, Professor Shlomo Sand (Tel Aviv University), who pulled the rug underneath Zionist Jews in his 2009 book, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’. Well, the good-old professor has just published a new anti-Semitic book, entitled ‘When and How...
  14. Denise

    Fulford - Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues

    Benjamin Fulford - May 1st The prevailing theme these days seems to be chaos in the West but what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization. Among the events associated with...
  15. White Rabbit

    NSA Whistleblower William Binney on Democracy Now

    Hello everyone, I was reading this posting at Zerohedge I discovered this on Democracy Now site, and found it interesting: In his first television interview since he resigned from the National Security Agency over its domestic surveillance program, William Binney discusses the NSA’s massive...
  16. Denise

    Benjamin Fulford - April 3rd, 2012

    Just keep you updated:
  17. Denise

    Wikileaks Release: The Global Intelligence Files - Over 5 million emails leaked

    Winning - THE GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE FILES Example of one email: More here: MASSIVE LEAK REVEALS CRIMINALITY, PARANOIA AMONG CORPORATE TITANS Monday 27 February 2012 WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files...
  18. Denise

    Fulford 1/9 update ...

    Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 20120109: The Feds have sued for peace and detailed settlement negotiations have begun In a very major development, the Federal Reserve Board faction that is in de-facto control of the Obama regime and Israel has approached the White Dragon Society to...
  19. Denise

    The Age of Transitions (full length documentary)

    The Age of Transitions is a documentary about converging technology, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain implants, social science, propaganda, nanotechnology, eugenics, geopolitics, world revolution, and more
  20. R

    US: ‘Democracy hijacked by 2% of population’

    Over 300 million Americans are currently witnessing a chapter from British’s Jewish history. In fact, they have been told this story every four years for decades in the past. Jewish communities were expelled from almost every European country. Some of those Jews found more tolerance among Muslim...