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    Canada: ‘Even our oil has ethics’

    Alykhan Velshi, is assistant to Canadian PM Stephen Harper’s minister of citizenship and immigration, Jason Kenney. Jason banned British MP George Galloway in March 2009 from entering Canada for supporting Palestinian cause. Last year Kenney refused to allow Dr. Zakir Naik, an Islamic scholar...

    Top Five Reasons to Install a Bair Necessities Geothermal System in Maryland this Spring

    If you have been considering upgrading or replacing your heating and cooling (HVAC) system this spring, you should consider a geothermal system. Geothermal energy is perhaps the cleanest and cheapest way to heat and cool your home. Geothermal systems are incredibly efficient, quiet, and...

    New York Solar Energy Industries Association Names 2011 Officers

    KINGSTON, NY, January 12, 2011 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA), the trade association representing the New York solar energy industry, has re-appointed Ron Kamen, a solar energy executive from the Hudson Valley, as president. Kamen of Rhinebeck is...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Imagine Peace Tower

    The Imagine Peace Tower (Icelandic: Friðarsúlan, meaning "the peace column") is a memorial to John Lennon from his widow, Yoko Ono, located on Viðey Island in Kollafjörður Bay near Reykjavík, Iceland. It consists of a tall "tower of light", projected from a white stone monument that has the...
  5. C

    Would the time below Earth's surface be different then above....Hollow Earth Theory Question?

    I know this may sound like a ridiculous question but I am wanting to write a Science Fiction Novel about Hollow Earth. I know it's a theory that was pretty much not widely accepted after the late 18th Century but there are those who still believe it today. My story is about a Subterranean City...
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    Yellowstone watch: Current earthquake swarm 2nd largest ever recorded

    Doomsday Triggers: Yellowstone Earthquake swarm of 2010 (January 17, 2010) Doomsday Triggers: Yellowstone Earthquake swarm of 2010 (January 17, 2010) Warning or is the unthinkable about to happen? Yellowstone National Park has been rattled by more than 250 earthquakes in the past two days...
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    Earth Assessment: December 2009

    Signs of Trouble from the Oceans: "There will be upheavals in the Arctic and Antarctic that will cause the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and pole- shift." -Edgar Cacye Earth Assessment: December 2009 While the world is lost in the global warming debate; I’m convinced something far...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Do geothermal heating projects set off earthquakes?

    Russia Today Monday, January 25th, 2010 While the question the title of this article poses might seem like something from out of a Bruce Willis sci-fi action movie, geothermal drilling triggering seismic activity is very much the stuff of reality. At least according to engineers from around...

    Solar showdown in Calif. tortoises' desert home

    LOS ANGELES – On a strip of California's Mojave Desert, two dozen rare tortoises could stand in the way of a sprawling solar-energy complex in a case that highlights mounting tensions between wilderness conservation and the nation's quest for cleaner power. Oakland, Calif.-based BrightSource...
  10. CASPER

    Controversial study suggests vast magma pool under Washington state

    WASHINGTON -- A vast pool of molten rock in the continental crust that underlies southwestern Washington state could supply magma to three active volcanoes in the Cascade Mountains -- Mount St. Helens , Mount Rainier and Mount Adams -- according to a new study that's causing a stir among...
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    Schwarzenegger signs order boosting clean power

    RANCHO CORDOVA, Calif. – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order Tuesday giving California the nation's most aggressive alternative energy standards, requiring utilities to get a third of their power from renewable sources by 2020. Schwarzenegger said the order signed at a field of...
  12. CASPER

    College students protest coal use on campuses

    COLUMBIA, Mo. – College students nationwide are urging their schools to stop using coal produced at campus power plants or purchased from private utilities in favor of cleaner energy sources ranging from wood chips to geothermal power. On Wednesday, students at several campuses nationwide...
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    Solar energy, universally applicable.

    Solar energy, universally applicable. Tuesday, July 21, 2009 The Solar Future. The first major solar energy conference of this century in the Netherlands took place on April 22, 2009 in Rotterdam: The Solar Future. This day was organized by Johan Trip and Edwin Koot of Solar Plaza...