
  1. Rumas

    [Fake] UFO With 'alien head' sticking out discovered on Google Earth Image

    I was realty bothered by this, mainly because it fool a lot of people! If you have Google Earth installed, you can just search the coordinates from the video here: 47°51'17.60"N , 115°36'42.60"W Here is a quick link to the coordinates mention in the video that will load in your browser...
  2. White Rabbit

    Google's mystery project in the bay?

    What could they possibly be building? Source: Google's mystery project in the bay |
  3. Truth Vibrations

    UK want block specific search terms from search engines

    I came across this article today while searching Google. This shows that the UK government has absolutely no idea how the Internet works, considering they think the Internet is only search engines. Banning certain search terms from search engines only ban them from the search engines. The...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Google new Doodle on the "Roswell UFO incident" 66th anniversary

    Today's Google Doodle is a little "game" about the 66th anniversary of the 1947 Roswell Event. It is an animated game with a little alien crash his saucer you walk around with once you collect all the pieces you fly home and the game instantly does a search for these key words: "Roswell UFO...
  5. 100th Monkey

    Google Challenges NSA Secrecy in FISA Court

    They carry on performing this game to the delight of an audience hypnotized by infotainment porn. An illustration shows the logo of the U.S. National Security Agency on the display of an iPhone in Berlin on June 7, 2013 Google has petitioned a secret U.S. national-security court to relax...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    Alien Base And Flying Saucer Found In Antarctica - 2013

    Published on Jun 8, 2013 Could this crashed saucer come from one of these bases? ...and why has Google Earth censored this location?
  7. Truth Vibrations

    How Google Tracks Everyone and Everything

    How Google Tracks Everyone and Everything at I/O 2013 Google want's to know everything, everywhere. Walking around Google I/O, one begins to notice many of these dispersed all around: How Google Tracks Everyone and Everything at I/O 2013 Google Sensors Are Data Mining I/O Attendees - And...
  8. 100th Monkey

    BIlderberg to merge with Google.

    This means Google is taking over the world? More:
  9. R

    Israel blasts Google for putting Palestine on Map

    World-wide Zionist Jewish social network, Google has angered the Zionist regime by showing Palestinian Territories (Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem), as PALESTINE. These areas were occupied by Jewish army in 1967. The change was introduced on May 1, indicating that the network recognizes an...
  10. I

    Obama and the Fourth Reich

    I'm offering my non-fiction book "Obama and the Fourth Reich. And other discourses" free via coupon on Smashwords from Oct. 17 through Oct. 21. Two years ago there was a dispute over a property in Jerusalem between the family of a Nazi war criminal, a Muslim, whose Waffen SS troops murdered an...
  11. H domain name is for sale. can be your website. is one of the top 3 best names in the hypnotic world. As most of us know, a one word .com is worth a fortune. Its a One Word Domain name which has 246,000 monthly Google searches world wide and 96,500 Local searches. Once you build a website using you will get...
  12. 2

    Maybe I put this in the wrong format

    Well many of you know that I'm on public wi-fi. Now it seems the public network I use is messing with the system. They had for radio type 802.11n since yesterday they have got radio type 802.11gn. This is giving me problems, I have just a simple Acer Aspire and Window 7 starter edition...
  13. 2

    [Attention] Facebook, We're watching you shop.....

    I don't know what their special deal is, but unless they were practically giving it away I wouldn't sign up for something like this. Facebook and Google are just too nosy for my opinion. If I go shopping, I buy it if I think it's reasonable and I use a store that I like, but wouldn't use a...
  14. woodfoe

    [Shocking Truth:] Calculations for Nibiru

    There’s been a lot of information and disinformation about the the celestial body know as Nibiru, the destroyer, wormwood, planetX, or a number of other names that it goes by. Of course ancient carvings on rock walls and the like only goes to add more evidence that this celestial body did visit...
  15. R

    ADL: ‘Muslims hate Israel more during Ramadhan’

    Israel lobby group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in a statement has accused Muslim world for hating the Zionist entity more during the month of fasting (Ramadhan) than they hate it the rest of the year. “Some of the more popular television specials airing across the Muslim and Arab world...
  16. 100th Monkey

    If You See This Google Warning, Act Fast: Big Brother is Watching

    Looks like another government created 'stuxnet' type virus, which is now popularly attributed to the US/Israel. Big Brother is watching. No kidding. And the warning is coming from none other than Google, which says government spies may be spying on you. Some believe the Google announcement may...
  17. Desiree


    Hello all I stumbled here by chance, was looking up WW2 Tsunami bomb on google, and I liked what I see here I am still green and need to learn how to work here but it all seems straightforward I am looking forward to get to know you all and hopefully learn and contribute Love and Peace
  18. R

    The Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Disclaimer: I am not posting this to troll, spam, or otherwise annoy. I post this for those who, like me, might find this highly intriguing and because I was hoping to find someone to analyse this with. Personally, I am less interested in debating its legitimacy (was he, wasn't he); though a...
  19. S

    Electricity from water.

    I have been powering things on water for some time now and thought I would share it with you. I use no salts, acids or chemicals just water, along with pure magnesium for the negative electrode and copper for the positive. I have made a live cam which is up usually 24/7 showing things powered by...
  20. Denise

    Bold Plans to Mine Asteroids - US firm 'to mine asteroids'

    What do movie producers possibly have to gain from helping space agencies mine asteroids... possibly a bluebeam cover Heralding a new frontier of space exploitation, Planetary Resources announced plans to send a swarm of robot miners into space to prospect resource-rich chunks of rock not far...