
  1. woodfoe

    [Must See!] Further Proof Of Nibiru Nearby

    Below is an article of a frozen mammoth found in Siberia with grass still in it’s mouth. This simple fact has baffled scientist along with the fact of what in the heck is a woolly mammoth doing in Siberia in the first place. Mammoths are elephant like creatures that need plenty of vegetation and...
  2. Denise

    Icebergs gone wild!

  3. Boiling Frog

    From the Edge

    Dear Noah, We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5. Sincerely, Unicorns ------------------------------------------------- Dear Twilight fans, Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping through them, they can never have an erection. Enjoy...
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Huge Lake in Chile Disappears Overnight Due to UFOs?

    Due to the recent activity of UFO sightings in Chilie at the moment i thought i would post this In May 2007, a huge lake in Chile literally disappeared overnight. The only things left behind was a giant, 30 meter deep pit, icebergs, and dry soil! All of the water and its contents were gone...
  5. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ By Creator's Decree ~ October 3, 2011

    Our craft are seen in your skies so frequently now, that Disclosure is hardly necessary where proof of our existence is required. The days of covering up our presence are pointless, and when some of your astronauts are prepared to acknowledge it we wonder what more the sceptics want as proof...
  6. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Duality is Only the Tip of the Iceberg ~ Laura Tyco ~ September 13, 2011

    Laura: Good morning SaLuSa . This is the first question: “My question/concern for SaLuSa is since none of us is really aware of our soul’s contracts, how do we know if we will be ascending with Mother Earth or not. I feel I was led to this information for a reason, but part of me is concerned...

    Too wacky? Moving water from flood to drought

    WASHINGTON (AP) — As the soggy East tries to dry out from flooding and Texas prays for rain that doesn't come, you might ask: Isn't there some way to ship all that water from here to there? It's an idea that has tempted some, but reality gets in the way. A Texas oilman once envisioned long...
  8. Denise

    Matthew Ward: The Truth about 9/11 2011

    Written: Sept. 11, 2010 by Steve Beckow Over the years, Matthew Ward has kept us informed of what actually happened on 9/11, what the purpose of 9/11 was, who was responsible for planning and executing it, where their funding came from, what the likelihood of their success will be, and other...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Infant kidnapped, tortured by Missouri state officials

    Daniel Erickson Natural News July 6, 2011 Kansas City – Mid-April – It began as a routine check-up. New parents Calob and Ashly had taken their 2.5-month old baby, Caden, to a weight specialist because he was slightly underweight. As far as they knew, they were doing a great job with Caden...
  10. CASPER

    Battle of Ancient Ocean Beasts Suggested by Fossil Scars

    A long-snouted reptile that plied the seas some 120 million years ago, got into a scuffle that landed it with a gouged and scratched jaw -- battle wounds that are seeing the light of day, thanks to a recent discovery. Remains of this dolphin-like sea creature called an ichthyosaur were found in...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Marine life discovered after iceberg moved

    The removal of a massive iceberg from the Mertz glacier in East Antarctica has revealed a huge diversity of new life. The 78-kilometre long iceberg separated from the Mertz glacier last year after it was rammed by another giant iceberg. It has exposed a section of the Southern Ocean previously...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Secret Illegal War Of Aggression Has Been Raging In Libya For Weeks

    UN Resolution or no UN resolution, US and British spies have been coordinating war for oil for some time Steve Watson March 31, 2011 The corporate mainstream media has just caught up to the reality of the situation in Libya that we have been reporting for weeks. Before...
  13. CASPER

    Massive iceberg shears off after N. Zealand quake

    A 30 million tonne block of ice sheared off a New Zealand glacier just minutes after a violent earthquake devastated the city of Christchurch, officials said Wednesday. The huge iceberg crashed into a lake shortly after the 6.3 magnitude tremor rocked the South Island on Tuesday and created...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Kurt Haskell Blows Whistle On Underwear Bomber: Given Bomb By US Government To Boost TSA Budget & Implement Body Scanners

    We Are Change/Infowars Jan 28, 2011 I contend that this story is just the tip of the iceberg into the US government’s black operations to further the Patriot Act, funding for Homeland Security and the TSA, and to keep intensity up for the so called War on Terror. Respected lawyer and community...
  15. Unhypnotized

    NASA Targets Children with ‘Climate Kids’ Website

    CLIMATEQUOTES.COM Jan 24, 2011 The climate is changing as it always has. Most climate scientists are unable to conceive of any natural cause for this change, and they claim that human emissions of CO2 are the cause. The evidence of increasing temperature is abundant, the evidence that human...
  16. Truth Vibrations

    Experts: U.S. water infrastructure in trouble -- Anita Kramer had no idea that a 72-inch water main in her Maryland neighborhood was a ticking time bomb that was about to flood her home and ruin many of her most cherished possessions. In the wake of the water...
  17. Unhypnotized

    30 Little Known FACTS about AMERICA

    Quoted from Duncan O'Finioan's blog ( -------- 30 Little Known FACTS about AMERICA 1. The IRS is NOT a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. Diversified Metal Products v IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.I. Public Law...
  18. Unhypnotized

    THE RULERS OF THE WORLD: A new Project Avalon video interview (audio, 84 Mb) (video, 414 Mb) I've been deeply engaged in the material covered in this interview - which is just about everything you might think of - for the last several months; and...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    Where raped women can be jailed

    Nouakchott, Mauritania -- Mahjouba was raped in March on the nighttime streets of Mauritania's capital, but she will not bring charges against the man she says did it since she may be the one who ends up in prison. The 25-year-old says the legal advice she received was to not go to court...
  20. Unhypnotized

    TSA Groping Out Of Control

    Everything you need to know about the security takeover and why airport oppression is already being rolled out on the streets Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Monday, November 8, 2010 TSA abuse in airports is completely out of control with more and more cases of security...