
  1. Lady of Light

    Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion - David Icke

    "Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion." - David Icke I'm told this comes from somewhere else, but since I can find no reference tracking it back to who it might originally come from, I am attributing it to David Icke because he is the one who is currently associated...
  2. Lady of Light

    The Illusion of Difference - Sophia Eternal Essence Embodied

    "The illusion of difference has led to corruption, greed and service to self. It is the truth of Unity that will heal us. See yourself reflected in each other and love without condition. Dream big and engage your wildest fantasies." - Sophia Eternal Essence Embodied
  3. 100th Monkey

    David Icke on the Alex Jones Show talking about the "Bilderberg gathering of The People"

    The Bilderbergs, The Engineers Of Illusion (22 Min. video)
  4. R

    An open letter to Israeli Knesset

    It’s reported that the incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to forge an alliance with second-runner Yair Lapid. Both have agreed on some ministerial portfolios which really bother me. For example, the selection of John Forbes Kerry as foreign minister, Chuck Hagel for minister of...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke - The Holographic Illusion of Reality

    David Says ..
  6. Dax214

    Always An ET Boy

    This post is dedicated to anyone who has experienced anything similar and who has been afraid to talk about their experiences. It is never easy to talk about such a controversial topic and in many cases you will be told you're crazy or it's all in your mind. Tonight I talk about some of my...
  7. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] The Subjective Illusion of Reality - Lady of Light - September 12, 2012

    Lady of Light September 12 2012 It has been said time and time again by many people including myself; “Don’t’ believe anything you hear from anyone else but from yourself”. All of my channeled information comes to me through “meditative trance”. As the information streams...
  8. Lady of Light

    [Rant] Lady of Light's Journal of Rants: A Collection of Thoughts and Feelings That Should Not Be Ignored

    August 18th 2012 Feeling Lost or Out of Place It’s understandable to feel lost or out of place from time to time especially when on the path to enlightenment. I’m beginning to believe this is because of the fact that there was always something before, so now that there is nothing, there is a...
  9. woodfoe

    [Must See!] Further Proof Of Nibiru Nearby

    Below is an article of a frozen mammoth found in Siberia with grass still in it’s mouth. This simple fact has baffled scientist along with the fact of what in the heck is a woolly mammoth doing in Siberia in the first place. Mammoths are elephant like creatures that need plenty of vegetation and...
  10. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Death, Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body And Near-Death: How To Remain In Complete Control Wherever You Find Yourself - Lady Of Light - May 23

    Lady of Light May 23, 2012 I had 2 separate channels that had come through on the subject of Death and Dreaming. I cannot tie them in together easily, as they touch on slightly different aspects of these subjects, so I’ve decided to give both accounts, one after the other...
  11. Lady of Light

    Death, Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body And Near-Death: How To Remain In Complete Control Wherever You Find Yourself - Lady Of Light May 23 20

    Lady of Light May 23, 2012 I had 2 separate channels that had come through on the subject of Death and Dreaming. I cannot tie them in together easily, as they touch on slightly different aspects of these subjects, so I’ve decided to give both accounts, one after the other, in...
  12. 100th Monkey

    Hologram of Tupac to go on tour - No kidding!

    If they can resurrect dead rappers in order to go on tour again, they can resurrect dead savrious such a Jesus? Turns out that being alive isn't actually necessary for performing at a live music tour. After Tupac's unbelievable/creepy/magical appearance at the Coachella Festival on Sunday...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    The Anunaki remnants are still on Earth

    by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.) April 2004 from XeeATwelve Website The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki - not whether they exist - nor whether they have been to Earth - as the evidence of them being here is so overwhelming that non-acceptance of Anunnaki presence on Earth is only for...
  14. Denise

    [Shocking Truth:] Gravity Really Does Not Exist

    Many people have heard the story of when Newton sat under an apple tree to think, and suddenly an apple fell on his head and he conceived the theory of gravity. But after a long time, physicists knew gravity was a very strange physical law. Compared to other basic interaction forces, gravity...
  15. Lady of Light

    Limitless Possibilities: Our Physical And Non-Physical Limitations And How To Overcome Them --- Lady of Light - March 10th 2012

    Lady of Light March 10th, 2012 Limits The number 1 thing to remember is: There ARE no limits. The Illusion: Limitations need to be broken, now more than ever. get rid of the illusion of limits. Anything and everything is possible, especially now. Great energies are in...
  16. White Rabbit

    Brain control = Mind control = Illusion

    The techniques and developing technologies of Mind Control. An investigation from UltraScience III, 'spies are us'.
  17. Truth Vibrations

    David Icke - Illuminati in Panic Mode - March 6, 2012

    On the Tuesday, March 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former BBC television sports presenter, spokesman for the Green Party, author and speaker David Icke. He is the author of Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion and is featured in a number of...
  18. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Waves of Happiness will Sweep Across the World ~ February 29, 2012

    If anyone doubted that time has sped up, you have only to consider the speed at which the first two months have passed, and so it shall continue right through to Ascension. The call for freedom from your oppressors has been answered and their ability to cause further problems has been addressed...
  19. Denise

    Bill Ballard ~ Heart Chakra Activation (Jan 6 2012)

    Bill Ballard’s Expression of personal experience (ego) jointly with messages from Higher Self The Heart Chakra activation is by far the greatest of all the Earth initiations. This is the spiritual transition from the 3-4D world into the 5th Dimension. It is the beginning step into ascended...
  20. Denise

    Stonehenge was based on a 'magical' auditory illusion, says scientist

    The layout of Stonehenge matches the spacing of loud and quiet sounds created by acoustic interference, new theory claims Two flutes playing the same continuous note set up a pattern of interference that apparently echoes the layout of Stonehenge. The Neolithic builders of Stonehenge were...