
  1. 100th Monkey

    Loren Moret - FUKUSHIMA was DELIBERATE

    So was Sandy Hook, 911, JFK, Oklahoma city bombing, Perl Harbor....the list goes on!
  2. 100th Monkey

    How WE (Including YOU) Can Stop Chemtrails

    By Ross Pittman
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Bradley Manning supporters stage UK events

    Pte Mannings's trial is due to start next month Events are to be held across the UK, and the rest of the world, to mark the 1,000th day spent in prison by alleged Wikileaks source Bradley Manning.Pte Manning, 25, was detained in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of passing secret files to the...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    National Guard Whistleblower:"Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists"

    Melissa Melton Prison October 25, 2012“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” So begins the Oath of Enlistment for the U.S. military, but in an explosive interview with a National Guard...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Humans may have evolved from sharks...

    What next rocks? The primitive fish named Acanthodes bronni was the common ancestor of all jawed vertebrates on Earth – including mankind, according to new research.
  6. White Rabbit

    How to delete your Google browsing history in three simple steps . . . before it's too late to hide your secrets

    Read more:
  7. Truth Vibrations

    I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street (720p)

    "Please share with everyone, including your leaders. This video is meant to be a warning to our leaders"
  8. Unhypnotized

    Australia Swamped by Floods

    12-30-2010 05:43 AM 'Days of torrential downpours have left many communities inundated, with up to 11 inches falling in a 24-hour period in some areas. Flooding has shut down about 300 roads across Queensland, including two major highways to the state capital Brisbane. At Chinchilla, Charleys...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Never-Before-Seen Video Shows Challenger Explosion

    Friday, February 5th, 2010 Daily Mail: The four-minute film, shot by optometrist Jack Moss, brings an entirely new perspective to the terrible event which killed a team of seven, including science teacher Christa McAuliffe, who had been chosen by NASA to become the first civilian in space...
  10. R

    After attacks, Europe hurries to tighten gun laws

    March 11th, 2009 in Breaking News, Disarming Civilians After attacks, Europe hurries to tighten gun laws. HELSINKI – Several European countries have restricted gun laws in the wake of school massacres, gang violence and other gun-related crimes: _Finland announced plans Wednesday to impose...