
  1. R

    Iran’s appointment to UN First Committee offends Lobby

    On October 1, 2013, right after his racist rant against Rouhani, Benjamin Netanyahu received a slap on his face from the UN Disarmament and International Security Committee (UNDISC). It unanimously appointed Iran as its new rapporteur (senior communication officer) for one year. The position...
  2. R

    Who broke the ice between Iran and US

    The western media has given credit for the historic highest-level US-Iran contact to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the war-mongering Grinch Netanyahu. No doubt, all three played their parts on the world-stage but the credit for preparing the groundwork...
  3. R

    Rouhani corners Obama on Israel

    Iran’s “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani, is not losing any time in showing the world America’s double standards. Last week, he gave an interview to NBC’s ann Curry. In the interview he offered friendly gestures toward the United States and its anti-Iran allies while pledging that his...
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    Saffron: Iran’s Red Gold

    On September 3, 2013, Iran’s Fars News Service reported that Iran has exported a total sum of 39,557 kilograms of saffron worth $53.5 million in the first five months of the current year. Islamic Republic of Iran produces nearly 96% of the world’s saffron and has the highest quality and density...
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    Clare Short: ‘Syria is under attack to weaken Iran’

    Clare Short, former British MP and secretary of state for International Development has claimed on her blog that the US-lead war on Syria has nothing to do with “achieving democracy and dignity but to overthrow the regime in order to weaken Iran and Hizbullah.” “It is deeply hypocritical of...
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    Foxman: US must attack Iran to regain world leadership

    Abraham Foxman, top Israeli propagandist and head of Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in an Op-Ed, published by CNN on September 12, 2013, urged Obama administration to strike Iran in case the US wants to regain its credibility and leadership in the world. “It has become conventional wisdom that...
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    Israel: Let’s replay the ‘S-300 hoax’ against Iran

    As result of the delay in American military attack on Syria, the Jewish-controlled MSM decided to replay one of the several “existential” threats to the Zionist regime – the Russian sale of S300-based air defense system to Iran. On September 11, Jewish daily Haaretz and Jerusalem Post, reported...
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    Israel can’t trust Obama on Iran!

    On September 3, 2013, Yaron London in an Op-Ed at Israel’s top daily YNet, titled ‘Wink on the way to a bomb’ says that Washington’s hesitation to bomb Syria “tells Israel its assurances regarding Iranian threat cannot be counted on”. London after lying about Syrian chemical threats and Iranian...
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    Senor: No attack on Syria means ‘no attack on Iran’

    In case you missed my earlier post on how American Jewish groups are pushing President Ben Obama to kill more millions of Muslims and Christians in the Middle East for Israel, this may wake you from slumber. Dan Senor, a Zionist Jew, who along with his Jewish guru, Nicholas D. Kristof, worked...
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    9/11 and Netanyahu

    On September 3, 2013, Anders Persson, PhD and Maysam Behravesh, PhD, in an Op-Ed, said: “For Netanyahu, Iran Is Personal“. It’s Netanyahu who was quoted saying on September 11, 2001 that the terrorist attacks on America would benefit Israel. In April 2008, Israeli daily Haaretz reported...
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    President Rouhani is coming to New York

    Keeping with Ahmadinejad tradition, Tehran has announced that new Iranian president Hassan Rouhani will be visiting New York to address the 68th annual UN General Assembly (UNGA) and preside over the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) conference on Disarmament. The UNGA session will begin on September...
  12. R

    Syria: The tail wags the dog for war on Iran

    On April 25, the head of the Israeli army’s Military Intelligence research and analysis division, Brig. Gen. Itai Brun, in a speech at the military-linked Institute for National Security Studies, said: “To the best of our professional understanding, the Syrian regime has used lethal chemical...
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    Israel’s war on Iran begins … in Syria

    Yesterday, I watched RT’s flagship program ‘Cross Talk’ with Pepi Escobar vs Stephen Schlesinger discussing Barack Obama and his willing partners’ imminent attack on Syria. The program is hosted by US-born Peter Lavelle, Ph.D, a journalist and author who resides in Moscow. In 2010, Walter...
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    US-UK crawl back as Iran threatens to hit Israel

    Inspite of all the “red-line” rhetoric against Bashar Assad regime by the world nuclear powers – on Wednesday, the US-UK-France decided to “delay” the attack on Syria. Why? Because, the three Israeli poodles, Obama, Cameron and Hollande were told by their military generals that Syria is neither...
  15. Truth Vibrations

    CIA 'helped Saddam Hussein carry out chemical weapons attack on Iran' in 1988 under Ronald Reagan

    CIA 'helped Saddam Hussein carry out chemical weapons attack on Iran' in 1988 under Ronald Reagan U.S. fed intelligence to Iraq about whereabouts of Iranian forces Iraq deployed mustard gas and sarin in 1988 on the back of the information U.S. administration supported Iraq during the eight-year...
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    Two ‘Friends of Israel’ visit Tehran

    On Sunday, the Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said al-Said, became the first head of an Arab state to meet Iran’s new president Hassan Rouhani in Tehran. Jeffrey Feltman, the political chief of the United Nations, also arrived in Tehran on Monday, to have talks with Iran’s new foreign minister...
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    Zimbabwe: Regime change via ‘Iranophobia’

    On Tuesday, Zimbabwe’s top court, the Constitutional Court, rejected America’s favorite Zimbabwean opposition MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s appeal that country’s July 31 presidential election be declared “fraud”. Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku declared that veteran Robert Mugabe won a...
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    Bishop Sizer irks British Jewish lobby again!

    British-born Dr. Stephen Sizer is Anglican pastor, writer, peace activist, freelance photographer and blogger. As a Christian, he feels obliged to support Palestinians’ rights to recapture their homeland stolen by the European Zionist Jews. As a Christian preacher and peace activist, Sizer has...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    CIA admits involvement in Iran coup - 60 years ago - The real reasons for US/Iranian friction today

    This is NOT the first or last CIA intervention, it has been going on for decades with help of other western intelligence agencies, and here is the proof: CIA admits involvement in Iran coup, 60 years on ****************************************** 1953 Iran Coup - CIA Finally Admits Role...
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    Argentina president blasts UNSC for shielding Israel

    On Tuesday, Argintina president Cristina Fernadez de Kirtchner, as “rotating Chairperson” blasted the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (United States, Britain, France, Russia and China) for misusing their veto powers in favor of their allies. She highlighted United States’...