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    Jewish-controlled BBC is baised against Israel

    A recent report has claimed that almost four out of every five Jews in Britain believe that British Broadcastiing corporation (BBC) is biased against Israel in its news coverage. According to the report, 36 per cent British Jews thought that the BBC was “heavily biased” against Israel, 43 per...
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    The ‘kosher PR’ to improve Israel’s image overseas

    Israel’s ministry of tourism, Jewish Army, Jewish Agency for Israel and World Zionist Organization are notorious for their long histories of using sex in public relation and advertisement to improve Israel’s image overseas and marketing Holocaust. Even though, Israeli and western polls have...
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    Lobby: Saudi Arabia is kosher

    Bruce Riedel, is a former 30-year CIA official and currently a senior fellow at Israel advocacy group, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute. On January 17, 2013, in a memorendum to president Barack Hussein Obama, Riedel warned him that a possible overthrow of Saudi...
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    Western bullies cannot scare Iran

    One of basic rules in foreign policy is when you’re in a fix, drop it. But American and Israeli bullies have proved again and again that they’re exempted from that wisdom. Both still believe that continuous lying about Iran and threatening it with the “war option on table” will scare Tehran to...
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    UN, EU and 400 Rabbis slam Israel on settlements

    This week, the UN Security Council by a vote of 14:1 condemned the Zionist entity for its latest plan to construct new illegal Jewish settlements (E-1) in the occupied West bank and East Jerusalm. The lone vote against the resolution, as expected, was from Washington. The Israel’s ‘allies’...
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    Sudan nabs Israeli ‘spy vulture’

    The Zionist regime is welknown for using Jewish women as kosher honeytraps for its espionage network – but it seem Israeli Mossad even uses birds and animals to spy over its neighboring countries in addition to its pilotless drones. Yesterday, Sudanese media reported that Sudanese authorities...
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    600 Rabbis declare Obama ‘kosher’!

    The campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama is becoming more ‘Jewish’ every passing day. Obama’s campaign office has just released a list which shows that nearly 600 Rabbis support Obama for re-election in November 2012. Ten of them happens to be among the Newsweek’s ’2012 America’s top top 50...
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    Tehran’s International OWS Cartoon Festival

    Recently, Islamic Republic’s Fars News Agency held an International Occupy Wall Street Cartoon Festival in Tehran to draw global attention to Americas’ popular protest movement against capitalism which only serves 1% of country’s rich and powerful minority (mostly Zionists). The International...
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    Britain: ‘It’s not Kosher to criticize Israel’

    Peter Wilby, the editor of British magazine the New Statesman has apologized for the publication (February 2002) of a cover illustration (shown at the top) which pro-Israel Brits especially the Zionist Jews have claimed to be anti-Semitic. Peter Wilby, however, says the magazine remained...
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    Israel supports Egyptian military junta

    Today, tens of thousands of Egytians have filled Cairo’s Tahrir Square to protest against the military junta’s (SCAF) hijacking of people’s will by seizing sweeping powers – by disolving the recently elected national assembly dominated by Islamists (75%) and claiming all legislative powers...
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    Bismuth: ‘Ben Ali was good for Tunisian Jewish community

    Tunisia’s only Jewish Senator Joseph Roger Bismuth is not happy with the the ouster of Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, 18 months ago. Bismuth, is the president of 2000-strong remaining Jewish community in Tunisia. He doesn’t feel comfortable with the rise of pro-USrael ‘Islamist’...
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    Sarkozy haunted by his past crimes

    The defeated Crypto-Jewish French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, will be out of the Élysée palace on Tuesday after he handed over the Presidency to the newly elected Socialist Jewish president François Hollande. Sarkozy is looking forward to manage the music empire of his millionaire model-turn-pop...
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    Israel: ‘Lying is kosher diplomacy’

    On March 3, 2012, Iranian-born Israeli opposition leader in Knesset, Gen. Shaul Mofaz, wrote on his Facebook page: “Listen closely, I will not enter Bibi government. Not today. Not Tomorrow. Not after I take the leadership of Kadima on March 28. This is a bad, failing and deaf government, and...
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    Formula One: ‘Bahrain, Israel and the Jew’

    Violent protests continue against the controversial Bahran Grand Prix 2012. Over 50,000 anti-government protesters gathered in the capital Manama, just 25 miles away from where the international event took place. The drivers paraded in front of rows of empty seats. Formula One earns its money...
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    Iran stood fast at P5+1 meeting: Bibi frets

    “We have always stated that pressure and the language of threat is useless in dealing with the Iranian nation, but talks and cooperation can be a positive approach,” said Iran’s chief negotiator Saeed Jalili at the end of two rounds of 10-hour negotiations in Istanbul with P5+1 group (the United...
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    India: ‘Same gender sex is kosher’

    India’s Attorney General G E Vahanvati said yesterday that Manmohan Singh’s government agrees with country’s High Court’s recent ruling that gay sex is not offensive. Vahanvati, who was yesterday asked by a bench of justices G S Singhvi and S J Mukhopadhaya to clarify the government’s stand on...
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    Farakhan knows how to anger Israel Lobby

    On March 10, 2012 – the Nation of Islam leader, Minister Louis Farakhan spoke to a packed auditorium of nearly 700 people at University of California Berkeley. The event was organized by the Black Student Union. As expected, local and national pro-Israel Jewish groups tried their best to get...
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    Tunisian Jew: ‘I’m not stupid to immigrate to Israel’

    On December 7, 2011, Israel’s Tunisian-born deputy prime minister Silvan Shalom made another call on the small Tunisian Jewish community (pop. 2,000) to immigrate to Israel. Jacob Lelouche, who runs a kosher restaurant and was an independent candidate in October 2011 national elections, told...
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    Jerusalem Mayor proposes a ‘split city’

    Worried about the on-going isolation of the Zionist regime around the world, Jerusalem Mayor, Nir Barkat, has made unkosher u-turn on his long-time held views of a ‘united Jerusalem‘ as the biblical capital of the Jewish people. The very Jewish people, who according to Israeli historian...
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    Panetta: ‘Iran will have nuclear bomb in 2012′

    Last year when British Prime Minister David Cameron claimed that Tehran already had a nuclear bomb – the Opposition Labour Party called Cameron a foreign policy klutz. On Monday, in an interview with Scott Pelley of CBS, US secretay of defence Leon Panetta claimed that Iran could have a nuclear...