
  1. Truth Vibrations

    The Truthseeker: Obama's arrest, Bush's trial

    Published on 28 Jun 2013 "We'll get Bush in the US" the world's top war crimes prosecutor tells The Truthseeker after Dubya's deputies warn him against travel, lawyers file for Obama's arrest tomorrow when he hits South Africa, huge secret wars in America's name being masked from the folks...
  2. R

    EU throws out Israeli NGO Monitor

    In January 2010, Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor group had sued the European Union (EU) over funding of several Non-government Organizations (NGOs) in Israel which are critical of Zionist regime’s policies. The group is headed by an Arab-hating professor Gerald Steinberg (Bar Ilan University). The...
  3. R

    Slavery, Gun control and the Jewish elites

    “Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether...
  4. R

    Israel: ‘John Kerry is kosher’

    Israeli and American Jewish media is very excited about Barack Obama’s nomination of Sen. John Kerry as next Secretary of State to replace Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton who is expected to retire early next month. Hillary Clinton is expected to go for presidency in 2016. French foreign minister...
  5. R

    Rabbi Kramer: Welcome back to Australia

    Today, Rabbi David Kramer 52, an American citizen, made his first appeance at Melbourne Magistrates Court on 12 charges of sexual abuses of his students under age of 16 at Chabad Yeshiva College in St Kilda East. During the court proceedings, Jewish lawyer for one of Rabbi’s victims yelled...
  6. R

    Gaza War and the British anti-Semite cartoon

    The award-winning British cartoonisist Steve Bell did it again. His latest cartoon (at the top of this post) publish in Guardian (November 15, 2012) shows Israeli warmongering prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking Israeli Jews to vote his hawkish Likud party back into power while two top...
  7. R

    Gen. Petraeus sacked over his mistress!

    For the last two days, Zionist-controlled mainstream media is pre-occupied by the latest Clinton-Monica sex affair (Monica worked for Mossad). James Clapper, director National Intelligence said in a written statement on Friday that the retired media hero of Iraq and Afghan wars, Gen. David H...
  8. R

    Obama’s (Jewish) woman in Tehran

    On November 5, Alex Fishman claimed at Israeli daily YNet that Barack Obama’s senior advisor, Valerie Bowman Jarrett (born 1956), is secretly assisting the US administration to communicate with the representatives of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei. Last month, The New York Times...
  9. R

    US officials detain Imran Khan at Toronto airport

    On Friday, the world famous former Pakistani cricket-team captain turned politician, Imran Khan was pulled out of a Toronto-New York bound flight by US immigration officials. He was taken into custody and grilled for two hours over his opposition to deadly US drone strikes over northern part of...
  10. s_coy2005

    [Must Read!] **What is one thing that you dislike about TV shows, and Movies??**

    One thing that I am tired of seeing on TV, and Movies is death, dying and funerals.. They portray death, dying and loss as if its nothing. I mean I understand that everyone dies sometime, but to portray killing, ALL THE TIME is NOT COOL. Especially gruesome death, and killing. To me by showing...
  11. R

    California state bans criticism of Israel

    Last week, in another case of subservience to pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups – California state assembly passed a resolution which will shut-down freedom of speech at the state Campuses. The resolution, authored by Jewish Rep. Linda Halderman (R-Fresno) was co-signed by her 66 fellow congress...
  12. R

    Canadian Senator: ‘Bring Omar Khadr home’

    Canadian Senator Lt. Gen. Roméo A. Dallaire, (Ret’d) has issued an open petition to Israel-Firster Stephen Harper’s Public Safety Minister Vic Toews to bring former Canadian child soldier, Omar Khadr, from America’s notorious Guantánamo Bay concentration camp to Canada. “The case of Omar Khadr...
  13. R

    Israel says NO to UNHRC settlements probe

    The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has set up a panel of three internationally renowned femal lawyers and human-rights experts to probe illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, a move further irked the Zionist entity which said it will bar its access to the sites of...
  14. New UFO Hunter

    NSA Document Admits ET Contact

    On October 21, 2004, the NSA approved for release to the public a portion of their NSA Journal Vol. XIV No. 1. This is a report of a presentation given to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaigne regarding the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that had been received “form outer space”...
  15. R

    Iraqi court acquits Hizbullah fighter

    The Central Criminal Court of Iraq on Monday ruled that Ali Musa Daqduq, member of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, be released from custody over lack of evidence. “No document was provided that indicate the guilt of Daqduq, and all of what was shown to the court, were copies and not...
  16. R

    Plight of Christians in Jewish occupied Palestine

    “The very name Jesus was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted, let alone taught, even in modern Israeli Jewish schools,” wrote late professor Israel Shahak. Bob Simon...
  17. Denise

    Sophia Stewart [Mother of the Matrix] on Veritas Radio | The Third Eye: Where It All

    Sophie Stewart..." Without the Terminator you can never understand the Matrix ! And without the Matrix you can never understand where the Terminator is going" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S y n o p s i s From ..Mel.... According...
  18. R

    Hollywood Jews defend ‘anti-Semite’ Mel Gibson

    Anti-Semitism is a lose cannon in the hands of the Israel Lobby. It unload the cannon on everyone who challenges Zionism or Israel. Its victims can be found among government leaders, politicians, military officials, academic, writers, authors, bloggers, sports, religious leaders, Nobel Prize...
  19. Denise

    President Obama's lawyer confesses Obama's birth certificate is phony!

    This is from Beat Obama PAC It’s official. The man sitting in the highest public office in America is an outlaw and has no legitimate claim to the White House. Any member of the House of Representatives or the United States Senate who says that Barack Obama is a legitimate office-holder...
  20. R

    The Wahhabi Jews

    We get daily dose of anti-Muslim streotype that women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia by its Wahabi/Salafi rulers. However, the Zionist-controlled media rarely mentions that in certain areas of Jerusalem city, Jewish women are forced to ride in the back of buses and trains. In Israel...