
  1. Truth Vibrations

    He lives in a tree, doesn't wear shoes, and brushes his teeth with a pinecone

    This is fascinating, what tails this man must have. full interview: He lives in a tree, doesn't wear shoes, and brushes his teeth with a pinecone | MNN - Mother Nature Network
  2. Denise

    Michael Newton Interview - Journey of Souls

    This is a Michael Newton interview I discovered very interesting: Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist who found that people under hypnosis can describe not just their past lives, but their life in between lives in the spirit world in extraordinary depth. I strongly suggest reading the books...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    Revolutionary Movements and How to Start One

  4. Denise

    Malaria Finally Defeated - Jim Humble

    Apparently Malaria has been defeated, so say Jim Humble:
  5. Lady of Light

    Look For The Positive In Every Moment - Lady of Light

    "Look for the positive in every moment, in every event, good or bad." - Lady of Light It is important for us to stay focused on the positive in every moment in our lives, no matter how stressful or negative things may look at the moment. There is good that comes from everything that we do...
  6. Lady of Light

    Jasmuheen: Promoting Personal And Planetary Peace

    This is a website about achieving peace and love in all aspects of life. Jasmuheen, the woman who runs the site, is a woman who "lives on light". It is a wonderful resource that is worth sharing. Jasmuheen
  7. Unhypnotized

    David Icke - They Play Monopoly With Peoples Lives

    A video by Jay4louise Source:
  8. Unhypnotized

    Dr. Michael Newton - Past Life Therapy-Journey Between Lives

    Great and fascinating interview: The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy Part1 of 5: The sequence: part 1: part 2: part 3: part 4: part 5:
  9. Unhypnotized

    The Bomb Will Only Activate When You Swat That Funny Looking Insect

    YOUR NEW REALITY Tuesday, Dec 15th, 2009 Let’s not be ignorant here. These robot insects will be used for saving lives and for surveillance, but they will also eventually be fitted with weapons and used to kill: Source...
  10. Unhypnotized

    A boy asks grown-ups WHY we ruin our planet and our lives
