
  1. 100th Monkey

    Italian Senator Demands Disclosure Of "Chemtrail / Geoengineering” Spraying

    We need more leader to do this! Source: Italian Senator Demands Declasification And Disclosure Of ?Chemtrail / Geoengineering? Spraying » Italian Senator Demands Declasification And Disclosure Of ?Chemtrail / Geoengineering? Spraying |
  2. R

    Why Zionist Jews hate Hungary?

    On May 7, 2013, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) concluded its 3-day annual conference in Budapest, Hungary to discuss the alarming rise of antisemitism in several European countries especially Hungary. Over 600 Jewish leaders from around the world attended the conference. Usually this conference...
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    Israel: An outlaw state

    Rachelle Marshall, a free-lance Jewish editor living in Mill Valley, CA, wrote an interesting review about the Israel’s elections in January 2013 – titled Israeli elections come and go, but Israel remains an outlaw state. During his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Barack Obama, twisted...
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    US wants Morsi to deliver more

    “The aid to Egypt must be linked not only to its economic needs and policies. It must truly be linked to whether Morsi does in fact “protect the democratic principles that the Egyptian people fought so hard to secure,” wrote the convicted Zionist Jew, Elliot Abrams, at CFR’s ‘Pressure Point...
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    Pope Benedict XVI and the ‘Gay Factor’

    Pope Benedict XVI in his last Sunday mass told his faithful that they had not seen last of him. He assured them that he was retiring from Papacy, but not from the Vatican. Orginally, Benedict had claimed that he was retiring due to his old age and bad health. However, there are rumors which...
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    Oscars goes ‘anti-Semitic’

    First, I must confess that I did not watch this year’s Oscars Award ceremony on Sunday – like the last year or the year before. In fact I have never watched it because it has nothing to do with the real life. So why am I writing on this topic? Well, you can blame my curiosity watching how the...
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    Obama to receive ‘Peres Award 2013′

    The future American historians will call Barack Obama “the most Israel-friendly US President“. Within months Obama was crowned as the “First Jewish President, he received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, for continuing Zionist “War on Islam”. Obama owes his political career to Chicago’s Jewish crime...
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    Israelis detained for organ harvesting in Romania

    Jewish news agency JTA, reported on February 20, 2013 that Romanian police detained two Israeli medical personnel, Dr. Dr. Rapahel Ron-El, a fertility specialist at Assaf Harofeh Hospital in central Israel and his technical assistant Daphna Komarovsky for illegally harvesting eggs from local...
  9. R

    Americans should choose Iranians over Israelis

    The Zionist mafia has never stopped reminding Americans how the Iranian took 52 US Embassy staff as “hostages” after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. However, the Zionist mafia never tells the Americans how Washington-Tel Aviv plotted a coup in Tehran against the first democratically-elected...
  10. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, January 28, 2013

    The Sabbatean mafia and Vatican P2 lodge are on what will be their final offensive, January 28, 2013 The Vatican P2 lodge, with their plan for a fascist world government, has started a massive world-wide offensive on multiple fronts. In Davos, Switzerland, for example, they are making...
  11. R

    Syrian rebel leader’s love for Israel

    The armed Syrian opposition hosted lately Israeli Channel 2 on Syrian territories, and helped its reporter Itay Engel prepare a long report that included investigations, interviews, and footage shot in their camps and regions they took control over. A Syrian opposition leader told the Israeli...
  12. R

    Jews against Christians

    Zionist Mafia never misses a chance to fabricate or blow-out Muslim hatred toward Christians or Jews living in Muslim societies. However, they will never mention the ethnic-cleansing of Christian communities in Russia, Ukraine and several other Europen countries in the past plus currently in...
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    Antisemitism vs Anti-Semitism

    What’s the difference between ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Anti-Semitism’? The Berlin-born Jewish professor Shmuel Almog (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), has claimed that the term with hyphen and without it has different meanings. The term ‘Antisemitism’ was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1870s. It was...
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    Sudan: ‘Israel our No.1 enemy’

    Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir 68 had a minor surgery on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia. He was released from the hospital on Wednesday and is staying at the Sudanese embassy in Riyadh. In a 15-minute speech recorded at the embassy and aired by the Blue Nile TV on November 8, Al-Bashir called the...
  15. R

    Omar Khadr returns home in chains

    Yesterday, Toronto-born child soldier, Omar Khadr, who spent ten years at Guantánamo Bay concentration camp, returned home in chains. He is being kept in maximum security facility at Canadian military base in Trenton, Ontario. Canada’s Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, a known Israel-Firster...
  16. R

    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
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    Lynn Gottlieb: ‘The Rabbi Israel Lobby Hates’

    “Jewish history overflows with tales of sorrow. Are we to endure yet another loss, but this time perpetrated by our own foolish hands? Those who think that bombing Iran serves a defensive purpose should reconsider and remember a forgotten people, the 35,000 Jews of Iran. What will happen to...
  18. R

    Iranian VP: ‘Zionist control international drug trade’

    Speaking at a UN-sponsored conference commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Tehran – Iran’s first vice-president Mohammad Reza Rahimi, said that Zionists control international narcotics business which they use to destroy human societies across the...
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    Muslims invade Mexico!

    In March 2012 – hawkish Israel lobby group, JINSA, took a group of American Latino leaders on its second fully-paid 6-day annual trip to Israel as part of Latino-Jewish Alliance. The purpose of the trip is to fool the Catholic Latino commuities that the Palestinian Christians enjoy total...
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    Assange interviews Hizbullah leader at RT

    On Tuesday, Julian Assange, the controversial co-founder of WikiLeaks opened his new talk show, ‘The World Tomorrow’, at the Russian Television (RT) with an interview with the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. Watch video below. Hizbullah is the only...