
  1. New UFO Hunter

    Professional counsellor and midwife Mary Rodwell - The Reality of Contact

    Name: Mary Rodwell Job Description: Professional counsellor & midwife Subject matter: Counsellors & Extraterrestrials Name: Peter Currie & Mary Rodwell Job Description: Professional counsellor & midwife Subject matter: Counsellors & Extraterrestrials Brief Description: Encounter with 5...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Mary Rodwell: ETs, Souls, The New Humans, and a coming global Shift

    "Published on Jul 3, 2013 "Extraterrestrials, Human consciousness and dimensions of soul: The intimate connection" by Mary Rodwell, Director, ACERN"
  3. Unhypnotized

    14 FEB 2011 - Spotted in a cliff face in Cornwall, UK

    'Virgin Mary' spotted in cliff face by startled tourist A holidaymaker was stunned when she took a photograph of a craggy coastline and captured this spooky image - of the Virgin Mary. Read more: An apparition of the Virgin Mary...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Purposeful Porpoises

    Porpoises have been known to help people who have been attacked by sharks or have capsized, but I have never heard of porpoises having such keen intelligence as in this situation. And, could they have been SO extremely intelligent that they knew about his animal rights work? [/COLOR]...
  5. day

    The Mary Rose

    Documentary on the remains of Henry VIII's infamous ship, the Mary Rose. Examines not only the structure of the ship and the artefacts left behind, including the skeletons, but also attempts to identify what life was like on the ship. It is not definitely known when and where the Mary Rose was...