
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, June 11,2013

    Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130610: Open battle raging between Sabbatean Cabal and military industrial complex The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of “disclosure” about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax investigations and the Bilderberg...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    How to handle the police - bilderberg style!

    This guy goes for a walk around the Grove hotel before the bilderberg meeting which is happening next month and gets harassed by police.
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Brazilian Disclosure

    This is from GUB´s (Brazilian Ufology Group) facebook page. Here is a translated copy:
  4. 100th Monkey

    The Queen Attends her first Cabinet meeting in 60 yrs just Days before 21 Dec 2012, Why?

    This seems odd, does she know this is her last change or something? Published on 18 Dec 2012 The Queen wears Tory blue historic visit sit Cabinet meeting ministers whip round buy placemats. The Queen meets the Cabinet during historic Downing Street visit. The Queen will today arrived to...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    BREAKING BILDERBERG NEWS - LEAKED 300 Pages Bilderberg Docs Additional Proof against NWO Mafia

    Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, June 6, 2012 Editor’s Note: We have obtained hundreds of documents from the 1966 meeting. This is a Wikileaks-sized data dump and we will be writing several more articles over the next few days to cover the myriad of different issues at hand...
  6. M

    Glad to be Here

    Hello, I am glad to be here and to read, think, and discuss what there is to talk about. I am a spiritual seeker with an open mind and broad background. I am looking forward to meeting many of you in this forum.