
  1. White Rabbit

    Navy shooter says microwave machine was making him hear voices and sending vibrations through him

    Voice to scull technology? More: Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night | The Smoking Gun
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Barrie Trower: Dangers and Lethality of Microwave Technology (2010)

    Everyone needs to watch this: "Uploaded on Nov 19, 2011
  3. 2

    What in the World is this supposed to mean?

    Microwave or toaster | EU Couldn't figure out how to put this particular picture in this spot. But it's humorous if nothing else. Believe it or not I can't use toaster or microwave together here in this apartment anyway , if I do it affects the circuit breaker here, and then I have to adjust...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Hurricane Sandy -- HAARP Interaction Evidence

    I. EU Parliament: "HAARP is a Powerful, Lethal Weapon, With Unknown Consequences to Mankind!" As I was browsing some of my old articles about HAARP, I have noticed that most links and videos to official HAARP-related websites are now missing or have been replaced with something entirely...
  5. R

    Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky

    Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky July 24th, 2009 in Breaking News, Civilian Control, Pictures Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky – tech – 23 July 2009 – New Scientist. THE Pentagon’s enthusiasm for non-lethal crowd-control weapons appears to have stepped up a gear with...