
  1. 100th Monkey

    Mayan pyramid bulldozed by road construction firm

    Associated Press in Belize City More:

    Beirut, August 1982

    I wish he hadn't died the one who died in Wednesday's raid He was limping down Nazlet elBeir a blond like those who come from the rivers in Northern Iraq Patiently . . . like an "insane" mother war was spinning her wool that summer as it is now! Some song on the radio begins: "O Beir" and it...

    Beirut, August 1982

    I wish he hadn't died the one who died in Wednesday's raid He was limping down Nazlet elBeir a blond like those who come from the rivers in Northern Iraq Patiently . . . like an "insane" mother war was spinning her wool that summer as it is now! Some song on the radio begins: "O Beir" and it...

    35 zoo animals freeze to death in northern Mexico

    CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – Thirty-five animals at a zoo in the northern Mexico state of Chihuahua have frozen to death during the region's coldest weather in six decades. Serengeti Zoo owner Alberto Hernandez says 14 parrots, 13 serpents, five iguanas, two crocodiles and a capuchin monkey died. He...
  5. R

    The rotating light, northern Norway. What do you think it is?

    The rotating light, northern Norway. What do you think it is? Source.......