
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, October 7, 2013

    The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender More: blogdog: Benjamin Fulford The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender October 7, 2013
  2. Boiling Frog

    37 states prepare for the end of the world Oct 17

    No fear mongering just facts: Published on 2 Oct 2013
  3. Unhypnotized

    October 25, 2009 ... Prediction??

    October 25, 2009...?? I believe this was posted a few months back...Seems to be floating around all the forums.... Ok I am not scare mongering but if the PTW have anything to do with this...Be aware...and train your thoughts elsewhere... The Web Bot program predicts an international crisis...
  4. Unhypnotized

    -23.4 C All-time October low recorded in Bavaria (Germany)

    part of Bavaria (Germany). Nobody remembers such low temperatures in October.... All-time October low recorded in Bavaria Published: 20 Oct 09 16:36 CET Online: http://www.thelocal.de/society/20091020-22693.html Meteorologists on Tuesday morning recorded the lowest ever October...
  5. Unhypnotized

    GeoCities is closing on October 26

    A heads up to one and all; If you have a site there, or... if you have links to "valuable stuff" there, you had better save them off, or something because this is the last month you will be able to do so. Here is a copy of the notice: GeoCities is closing on October 26, 2009...
  6. New UFO Hunter

    Strange Cloud Formation/ UFO Mothership Over Moscow October 6, 2009

    A very strange looking cloud formation/Ufo Mothership filmed in Moscow on October 6, 2009.

    The October Garden

    If you were zinnia, still bright in the October garden and I the last orange cosmos. If you were catmint blue draping yourself over the cinder block wall and I the weed coming up through gravel. If you were the bamboo pole, listing under the weight of late green tomatoes that will never ripen...