
  1. Unhypnotize

    Who wants to contact a telepathy?

    When I was browsing, I found an interesting comment by user “reda”: “i"m telepath and i have many concluente experiment with a good concentration you can hear my thoughts and i can hear your thoughts so we can discuss with our thoughts. my last concluente experiment i send to my friend a number...
  2. Unhypnotize

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours?

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours? I have a list of my favourite books to share; it is growing. It covers areas like spiritual science, hypnosis, astral projection, parapsychology, channelling, spirituality, ETs, meditation, remote viewing, education psychology, micro-expression, self-help...
  3. Unhypnotize

    Meditation Techniques to Connect to Your Higher Self and other Benevolent ETs

    I have recent read Brad Johnson’s book “The Earth/Lyra Connection: Teachings from Our Interstellar Ancestors”. It is a brilliant book I like it very much. I rate it 5 out of 5. The book can be found at: » Lyra/Earth Connection E-book In the book, Brad talked about how he...
  4. Denise

    Details information about Pleiadians and Reptilans

    I believe both parties describe the circumstances adequately. the resonates with me! What do you think? The reptilian interview: Part 1: Part 2: The Pleiadian interview:
  5. Denise

    You have Always Decided the Events that Manifest on Earth 12 February 2012

    The Pleiadian High Council: You have Always Decided the Events that Manifest on Earth 12 February 2012 - 8:47pm | nkiinsta Channeler: Wes Annac Channeled through Wes Annac- We listen to your calls to us, for us to show you ways and give you guidance as to how you can make your difficult...
  6. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Ascension Comes With All It

    The Human Race is proving to be one that is capable of experiencing the depth of darkness, and yet can still find its Light and raise itself up. The experience was indeed meant to strongly test your abilities, and you have been subjected to the most extreme conditions imposed upon you by the...
  7. New UFO Hunter

    CNN Reports Ancient Egyptian Report of UFO

    Author claims to identify UFO on 3000 yr old Egyptian Papyrus By wayhersc | Posted July 31, 2010 | Cape Town, South Africa CNN PRODUCER NOTE The God Ra of the ancient Egyptians is said to have sailed down from the stars and landed in Egypt, founding a powerful civilization. This is...
  8. Denise

    Heaven and Earth ~ A Rainbow Bridge ~ Greg Giles ~ January 18, 2012

    Message from the Pleiadians 1/18/12 Internet search engines can be your ally in the war of information and disinformation. Making yourself informed is your task, one of many at this time, and you are to see to it that you complete this task by learning as much as you can about your world...
  9. Denise

    The Ashtar Command Reclamation Project ~ Greg Giles ~ January 4, 2012

    Message from the Pleiadians 1/4/12 The Ashtar Command Reclamation Project is a joint cooperation between the forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The goal of this project is to bring back light and freedom of thought and expression to the people of this planet...
  10. Denise

    The UFO Phenomena The Metatronic Perspective Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

    The UFO Phenomena The Metatronic Perspective Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Question to Metatron: Many have spoken of extra terrestrial beings having bases within inner dimensions of earth, and that these occur in hologramic dimensions. Many report seeing such craft, yet it seems...
  11. New UFO Hunter

    Denise Le Fay: Interesting ET Connections & Updates

    12/2/2011 Due to our completing the past Evolutionary Cycle/Mayan calendar (Oct. 28, 2011), we’re now in a transitional cusp period between the collapsing past and the manifesting new. Having been a performer (dancer) for nearly twenty years, I always...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Secrets of the Star Disc

    When grave robbers ransacked a Bronze Age burial in Germany, they had no idea that they had unearthed the find of a lifetime. The disc they found combines an advanced understanding of the stars with some of the most sophisticated religious imagery of the age. In intellectual achievement and...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Mass Fleet filmed over Japan November 2011

    This came from ECETI News: We have been doing livestream meditations invoking help for Japan along with friends like Kan and other monks. Looks like it arrived. I was told tyranny and the unbridled greed is coming to a close. It is to destructive and will destroy the entire civilization and...
  14. New UFO Hunter

    Secrets of the Star Disc

    When grave robbers ransacked a Bronze Age burial in Germany, they had no idea that they had unearthed the find of a lifetime. The disc they found combines an advanced understanding of the stars with some of the most sophisticated religious imagery of the age. In intellectual achievement and...
  15. Denise

    Mark's Corner: Message from the Athabantians Starship ~ July 12, 2011

    Greetings to our brothers and sister of Earth from those if us aboard the starship Athabantian. It is in our love for and our Oneness with you that we take this opportunity to share our observations with you. We are most pleased when you make time to read our communications. Today we return...
  16. Denise

    Messages from Matthew -- March 25, 2011

    Knowledge emerging about manmade quakes, weather manipulation; radiation in Japan, ET assistance; Hatonn: difficulties in dismantling Illuminati-controlled technology; freedom fighters in Arab countries; higher perspective of Libya 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    UFO expert confirms Fulhams UFO predictions..vid interview

    In an exclusive February 14, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, a Canadian UFO expert has disclosed his technical evaluation concluding that the three predictions of now deceased former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham of UFO displays over New York City on October 13, 2010, and who accurately...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Lauren Gorgo - 11th Phase Lightbody Ascension - Feb 1st

    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2011 11th Phase Lightbody Ascension The New Normal In the last article I wrote I mentioned that we were in the throes of some unprecedented geomagnetic activity due to a significant global rebalancing spurred by a magnetic pole shift….or visa versa. I also mentioned...
  19. CASPER

    Hunting Star Clusters? Orion and Bull Constellations Point the Way

    Two of the very best star clusters for skywatchers are high in our evening sky and toward the south at around 8 p.m. EST (0100 GMT). You can easily locate them by using the famous three-star belt of the constellation Orion, the Mighty Hunter. Two of the very best star clusters for...
  20. CASPER

    Lightning Bugs and the Pleiades

    They belong with this piece of land as much as I do. I have lived here since 1968. They since ... do we know? Wonder what the Cherokee word for their flickering selves is, and back beyond that, the shell-circle builder's word? Five thousand years. They were one of the first things— the second...