
  1. 100th Monkey

    Red Ice Creations - Real Meaning of "Shakespear's" Plays with Joseph Atwill

    It appears that a woman named Amelia Bassano actually wrote Shakespear'd plays: Joseph Atwill - Hour 1 - Shakespeare's Secret Messiah & Vengeance on Europe June 13, 2014
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Ben Fulford June 16, 2014: Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?

    June 16, 2014 Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full report here.
  3. 100th Monkey

    Homeland Security Threatens to Punish Staff for Reading Washington Post NSA Articles

    What are they so scared about??? oh.....right...they might figure out the truth, they they are all pawns in a sinister plan. More:
  4. longhorn

    [Opinion] Not all chemtrails are associated with terrestrial aircraft.

    Am unable to post evidence at this time as I am a new forum member. that supports the hypothesis that not all contrails are created by terrestrial aircraft, that quite possibly there are other agencies at work in the skies above planet earth responsible for what is being witnessed and reported...
  5. 2

    [General Question?] Really want to change prefix of last post

    Would like to change last post prefix to Opinion, how do you do that?
  6. Truth Vibrations

    *New VIDEO* Ring Of Power II : The Zion King

    Want to understand the royals? I will be watching this tonight, post my thoughts later.
  7. New UFO Hunter

    Two Best UFO Cases EVER!

    If anyone has any more post them!
  8. Mikado

    Hello, I am Mikado

    Hello, I am Mikado and I have joined this site to present rebuttals to what is being presented about myself by certain members. I am not here to instigate and will only post after something is said about me. However, I may post in unrelated threads where I haven't been mentioned and the topic...
  9. 100th Monkey

    Implants: monitoring the population

    The US health care system was acknowledged in the launch of The Sentinel Initiative by the US FDA a new joint registry in the Summer of 2008. The Sentinel is intended as “a long-term effort by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to create a national electronic system for monitoring...
  10. bgordon255

    When one is new....

    One must post... Hello all. Happened upon this site while looking into the great 2012 "End of the World" debate. Liked what I read and now see there is plenty more to keep me occupied. Untill I post again... :joyous: Bill
  11. 100th Monkey

    [Fake] Alien Grey Captured in Brazil Amazing Video

    I think this is fake but i will post it any way. It look animated to me.
  12. s_coy2005

    TRY THIS & post your experiences..

    I have something for you all to try.. Post your experiences
  13. Lady of Light

    Three (3) Word Story (Just For Fun)

    I thought I'd give this a go here on Unhypnotize. Lot's of sites have this type of thing, and it really is JUST FOR FUN! The rules are simple, you can only post 3 words at a time, no double posting (same user posting twice in a row, someone else must post in between), an keep it clean (no...
  14. D


    I don't like introductions. Was trying to find a nicer and more friendlier forum. Says I have to make 10 post, so I guess this make 2. :eagerness:
  15. Denise

    Watch Documentary Films online for Free

    Just wanted to post this for everyone, great Enjoy...
  16. Denise

    Chevy Silverado "2012" | Super Bowl XLVI Ads | Chevrolet Commercial

    Just wanted to post this here:
  17. Denise

    Strange Egg Mass Found in the Alaskan Islands

    I'm not sure what this signifies nonetheless thought I'd post it for your interest.
  18. Unhypnotized

    New AstralWalker Presentation

    AstralWalker asked me to post an update on his new presentation. Please see his website for more detail
  19. New UFO Hunter

    UFOs 'On The Record, Generals, Pilots And Government Officials Talk About

    Interesting article from Huffington Post. Some great UFO pictures:
  20. Instrumedley

    Error when I sign in

    Keeps saying this message: "Instrumedley, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: 1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or...