
  1. Denise

    ENERGY drinks are poisoning teenagers, doctors are warning

    The Australian Medical Association is calling for age-restrictions on the drinks, after a worrying rise in the number of teenagers becoming ill. But a group representing the energy drink industry has dismissed calls for greater regulation of the beverages, saying they are no more dangerous than...
  2. R

    US: ‘Iran is plotting to bankrupt US’

    The UN Drug Report 2011, has praised Islamic Republic, which shares a 936-kilometer border with Afghanistan and a 909-kilometer border with Pakistan, for intercepting 89 percent of all the seized opium worldwide. Afghanistan under US-NATO occupation has become world’s largest producer of illicit...
  3. Denise

    Vaccines Are Dangerous -- The Government Says So!

    'Finally! The mainstream admits that vaccines are dangerous and cause certain side effects, sometimes serious ones! AP writer Lauran Neergaard did not have the nerve to put in print that the rare but really serious side effects include death but we can rest assured and trust (not...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Libertarian Party Asks Florida Sherriffs To Arrest TSA Agents

    “We turn to you, our Constitutional Sheriffs, to enforce the law in accordance with your sworn duty”* Steve Watson July 5, 2011 The Libertarian Party of Florida has written to the sheriff of every county in the state demanding that they arrest any TSA agent who conducts an...
  5. Unhypnotized

    FDA claims power to seize food without evidence of contamination

    Rady Ananda,*Contributing Writer Activist Post May 5, 2011 A few hours ago, the Food and Drug Administration declared it no longer needs credible evidence to seize food that may be contaminated. Ignoring the Fourth Amendment entirely, the FDA claims that based on mere suspicion that a food...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Boy with Brain Cancer is Cured after Secretly Being Fed Medical Marijuana by his Father

    'A desperate father whose son was suffering from a life-threatening brain tumour has revealed he gave him cannabis oil to ease his pain. And he has now apparently made a full recovery. Cash Hyde, known as Cashy, was a perfectly healthy baby when he was born in June 2008 but became sick shortly...
  7. Unhypnotized

    22 Year Old BP Oil Spill Victim Speaks Out at NO Health Forum Leaves by Ambulance After Seizures

    Paul Doomm from Florida traveled to Wilma Subra, MD’s health forum in New Orleans on 2-5. Paul apparently was chemically poisoned by Oil & Dispersants after swimming in the Gulf at Navarre Beach, FL and Eating seafood in July. He has now seen 93 doctors, been to 14 hospitals and has...

    Popular gorilla Lulu dies at Ohio's Columbus zoo

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – A popular female gorilla thought to be 46 years old has died at an Ohio zoo. Officials at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium say Lulu died Monday after suffering seizures that began Saturday. The zoo says the western lowland gorilla had not previously shown signs of illness, except...

    [Bombshell!] TSA body scans & pat-downs- Ex-Minn. governor sues over body scans, pat-downs

    MINNEAPOLIS – Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura sued the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration on Monday, alleging full-body scans and pat-downs at airport checkpoints violate his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Ventura is...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Flu vaccine causing infant seizures; FDA to investigate

    Mike Adams Natural News Saturday, January 22, 2011 (NaturalNews) The Sanofi-Aventis flu vaccine known as “Fluzone” is causing febrile seizures in children, the FDA revealed yesterday. According to the FDA, 42 cases of seizures have been reported in children receiving the Fluzone vaccine. Most...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Nintendo Warns 3DS Could Damage Children's Eyesight

    01-01-2011 05:26 AM 'The Nintendo 3DS, which is due to be released next year, will give users the option of playing in 3D as opposed to the conventional 2D picture, without the need for 3D glasses. But in a statement on its Japanese website, the company cautioned that children under the age of...
  12. CASPER

    Alternative medicines sometimes dangerous for kids

    Giving alternative treatments such as homeopathic remedies instead of conventional medicines to children may have deadly side effects in rare instances, a new analysis says. Australian researchers monitored reports from pediatricians in Australia from 2001 to 2003 looking for suspected side...
  13. R

    Infowars Listener Calls in About Her 13 year Old Getting Seizures from Exposure to Chemtrails

    Infowars Listener Calls in About Her 13 year Old Getting Seizures from Exposure to Chemtrails Sources...Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Welcome to -
  14. CASPER

    2 bodies hung from bridge, man beheaded in Tijuana

    TIJUANA, Mexico – Two men were slain and hung from a bridge, another was decapitated and a fourth was shot to death over 24 hours in Tijuana, the latest gruesome killings in a Mexican border city where hopes had risen that cartel violence was decreasing. The bodies of two men were found hanging...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Supreme Court Appears Split by Infant Vaccination Case

    Tuesday 12 October 2010 by: Warren Richey This article states: Vaccines cause all kinds of disease, the damage is not attributed to vaccines and often does not show up immediately, sometime taking years and so the causes go unrecognized or misdiagnosed. If you read the quote closly, it says...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Flu Vaccine: CDC Ignores the Dangers, Instead Wants to Needle Everyone

    09-02-2010 04:42 AM 'In a scene reminiscent of a Brave New World and despite numerous concerns, health officials are advising basically everyone in the United States to get the flu vaccine. The CDC is openly demanding that you take a vaccine that is, on record, extremely dangerous. Multiple...
  17. Unhypnotized

    India Halts Vaccine Programs After Deaths of Four Children

    Christina England Blitz Sunday, August 29, 2010 Vaccine programmes grind to a halt in India once more, when four children died after they received the measles vaccination in Lucknow. The four children were reported to have fainted soon after they were vaccinated and witnesses reported seeing...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Australia bans flu vaccines in children after vomiting, fevers, seizures

    Mike Adams Natural News Friday, August 27, 2010 (NaturalNews) Although it’s still summer in North America, it is of course winter in Australia, and the flu season is well under way there. As usual, Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to vaccinate their children against...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Truth About Gardasil website documents young girls who died from HPV vaccine

    Ethan A. Huff Natural News Thursday, August 26, 2010 (NaturalNews) Merck & Co., Inc., manufacturer of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, continues to get away with pushing the dangerous drug on both young girls — and now boys — as a supposed prevention method for avoiding...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Government Using Google Earth To Loot Destitute Americans

    State utilizing aerial imaging technology to enforce petty ordinances and loot destitute citizens of whatever income they have left after having had trillions in wealth stolen and transferred to foreign banks Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, August 16, 2010 Aerial imaging...