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    Hugo Chavez leaves ‘Free World’ orphan

    “For my brother Chavez, that Olympic champion of new socialist ideas,” wrote former Cuban revolutionary President Fidel Castro to Chavez in the dedication of a book given to him in Havana in 2006. Yesterday, hundreds of millions of victims of western colonial powers around the world, mourned...
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    Hitler is still popular

    Mahtama Gandhi addressed Adolph Hitler as “Dear Friend” in two letters he wrote to German Chancellor dated July 23, 1939 and December 24, 1940. India’s Bollywood released the film ‘Gandhi to Hitler’ in July 2011. It was directed by Rakesh Ranjan Kumar. Gandhi was played by Avijit Dutt; Hitler...
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    [Attention] This is why you should pay attention to what your kid is doing in school

    I thought they were doing something like this for along time now considering the national Education Assoc and the Dept of Education I wouldn't doubt they are doing this in more than just one school Just surpised that Texas was going along with it. Sad your tax dollars going for this. 6th...
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    Syrian rebel leader’s love for Israel

    The armed Syrian opposition hosted lately Israeli Channel 2 on Syrian territories, and helped its reporter Itay Engel prepare a long report that included investigations, interviews, and footage shot in their camps and regions they took control over. A Syrian opposition leader told the Israeli...
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    Canada to recognize Syrian rebels only when Israel does

    Canadian media (CTV News) reported on December 10 that Stephen Harper government has developed a contingency plan to help NATO invasion of Syria. However, it’s unlikely Harper will send CF-18 fighter jets over Syria as he did in Libya to enforce a no-fly zone or put combat forces on the ground...
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    Jewish Lobby: ‘Norwegian hates Israel’

    The pro-Israel Jewish leaders connected to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe , in a recent statement has whined that anti-Israel attitudes in Norway may be fuelling anti-Semitism there. Norway’s welknown sociologist, professor Johan Galtung, claims that six Jewish...
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    Venezuela: Iran wins, Israel loses

    On October 7, pro-Iran Venezuelan incumbent president Hugo Chavez was declared re-elected by defeating his pro-Israel Crypto-Jewish opponent Henrique Capriles Radonski by 54.66% to 44.47% votes. “Because of my mother and grandmother, for Jews I’m Jewish, but I’m Catholic,” Capriles told JTA...
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    Paris’ gay Mayor faces ‘anti-Semitism’

    The Mayor of Paris, Betrand Delanoë, has been slammed by French politicians for spending too much of money and time on pleasing French Jewish minority. The anger blew up as result of Mayor’s postponement of deliberations at the Council of Paris on Tuesday for the Jewish Yom Kippur holidays. The...
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    Muslim France

    “By the end of the 18th century, relationships with the Muslim world were so common as to have become banal. People walked about Paris not even blinking when they saw someone wearing a turban, because they were so used to it,” says Ian Calder, a history professor and author of 2009 book, ‘Arab...
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    French Muslim philosopher Roger Garaudy dies

    French socialist thinker, politician, writer and author of 60 books on history, religion and Communism – Roger Garaudy (1913-2012) died in Paris on June 15, 2012. “Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji’un” (To Allah we belong and to Him is our retun). Roger Garaudy was author of book, The Founding...
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    Lithuanian youth leader denies Holocaust

    Julius Panka, the head of Lithuania’s national youth association (ULNY) has denied that 30,000 local Jews were imprisoned in his country in 1941. ULNY is the largest youth NGO in the country with more than 200,000 members. “Documents have been falsified and there are false statements on the...
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    France’s pro-Iran Islamist government!!

    US top Islamophobe and Israel-Firster David Horowitz’s website FrontPage Magazine has claimed that Francois Hollande could be “the first Muslim-elected president of France“. Why? Because while majority of 500,000 French Jews voted for Hollande’s opponent Sarkozy – a majority of seven million...
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    Sarkozy haunted by his past crimes

    The defeated Crypto-Jewish French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, will be out of the Élysée palace on Tuesday after he handed over the Presidency to the newly elected Socialist Jewish president François Hollande. Sarkozy is looking forward to manage the music empire of his millionaire model-turn-pop...
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    Sarkozy hits the bucket: ‘Iran wins?’

    Socialist Party’s Jewish candidate Francois Hollande defeated his half-Jewish opponent UMP’s Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday to become the next President of France. Sarkozy is the latest victim of a wave of European voters’ anger at wars, government spending, bailouts for the privileged 1% and...
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    Norwegian scholar angers Jewish groups

    Ronald S. Lauder. president of World Jewish Congress and several other pro-Israel Jewish groups have slammed Norway’s welknown sociologist, professor Johan Galtung, 82, for claiming that six Jewish companies control 96% of the world’s mainstream media – and that Israeli Mossad was behind last...
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    Christian group blasts Israeli ambassador Oren

    The Kairos, an international Christian NGO group, with branches in 45 nations, has condemned Israeli ambassador in Washington, Michael Oren’s last month Op-Ed piece published in the Wall Street Journal (March 9, 2012). The WSJ is owned by the disgraced media-tycon Israel-Firster Rupert Murdoch...
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    Paddick: ‘Gays and Jews have common heritage!’

    Britain’s top gay policeman, Brain Paddick, former deputy assistant police commissioner, says that being a gay he always felt comfortable among Jews. “The gay and Jewish communities have some common heritage of being scapegoats and being picked on. I’ve always felt comfortable among the Jewish...
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    Britain: ‘Calling Jews rich is anti-Jewish’

    British Jewish groups have slammed former London Mayor Ken Livingstone for telling a group of pro-Labour Jewish Londoners that “Jews will not vote for me because they’re rich“. What Ken meant was that being a socialist, most Jews who are better off than the rest of Londoners, would not vote for...
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    Comparison of Gaza and French school attack irks Israel

    Baroness Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief got into trouble with leaders of the Zionist regime for comparing the shooting death of four French Jews by a serial killer at Toulouse with Jewish army’s killing of over 1200 civilians in Gaza during ‘Operation Cast Lead‘ in December 2008...
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    Israel Lobby and Free Speech at Canadian Universities

    In 1998, a young medical researcher, Professor Nancy Olivieri (University of Toronto), became a target of Jewish lobby groups and pharmaceutical industry when she claimed that her research indicates serious problems with an experimental drug manufactured by Canada’s largest drug company, Apotex...