

    [Awesome!] Ten-year-old Canadian girl discovers exploding star

    A 10-year-old Canadian girl has become the youngest person to discover a supernova. Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton, New Brunswick, along with longtime astronomy enthusiasts Paul Gray (Kathryn's father) and David Lane, found a magnitude 17 supernova, dubbed supernova 2010lt, in the galaxy UGC...

    Cosmic Nebulas Dazzle in New Space Telescope Photos

    NASA's WISE infrared telescope, which recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of its launch into space, has returned some stunning photos lately. The new pictures from WISE — short for Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which launched on Dec. 14, 2009 — are dramatic, colorful images of...

    Ice cube observatory in dark matter search

    AN extraordinary underground observatory for subatomic particles has been completed in a huge cube of ice measuring 1km on each side deep under the South Pole, researchers said. Building the IceCube, the world's largest neutrino observatory, has taken a gruelling decade of work in the Antarctic...

    'Baby black hole' offers insight into cosmic enigma

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – Astronomers on Tuesday announced they had found the youngest black hole ever found in Earth's cosmic neighbourhood, a discovery offering a rare chance to probe one of the mightiest and strangest forces in the Universe. The black hole is believed to be a remnant of SN 1979C, a...

    With God in the Morning

    I can't go back to sleep, so I weep, listening for a rhyme. For example, the morning dove sighs deep in my backyard. She doesn't sing. The Jehovah's witnesses rap at my door. They don't ring my bell, in whose metal the word "peace" is cast. How sweet are these witnesses, who stand at my...
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    Mystery object in starburst galaxy M82 possible micro-quasar

    Mystery object in starburst galaxy M82 possible micro-quasar The object in M82, which appeared very suddenly in radio wavelengths and shows no signs of going away, does not appear to be like anything that has been seen in the Milky Way. Provided by Royal Astronomical Society, U.K. Spitzer...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Comet/ G1.9 giant planetary body coming in to solar system

    A large planetary body has been seen coming in from the Oort Cloud, presently 60AU distance. Don't know if this is the planet X from the past, but its impact would be similar. " Russia Prepares For Asteroid Strike As New Comet Nears Sun Russian scientists are reporting today that our Sun’s worst...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Media PR Hoax Behind Useless & Invasive Body Scanners

    Experts agree; Technology would not have stopped plane bomber, so why the rush to install privacy-busting virtual strip search? Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, January 7, 2010 With experts agreeing that airport body scanners would not have stopped the underwear bomber...

    Astronomers get new tools for gravitational-wave detection

    Teamwork between gamma-ray and radio astronomers has produced a breakthrough in finding natural cosmic tools needed to make the first direct detections of the long-elusive gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago. An orbiting gamma-ray telescope has pointed radio...
  10. CASPER

    Supernova explosions stay in shape

    At a very early age, children learn how to classify objects according to their shape. New research suggests studying the shape of the aftermath of supernovae may allow astronomers to do the same. A new study of images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory on supernova remnants — the debris from...
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    Black hole at Swan 'only' 7800 light years from Earth

    Black hole at Swan 'only' 7800 light years from Earth December 5, 2009 The distance from the Earth to a black hole near the Swan constellation is "only" 7800 light years, reports Space Institute SRON. The distance is much smaller than experts previously thought, is in The Astrophysical...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Peculiar, Junior-Sized Supernova Discovered by New York Teen

    2009-06-11 In November 2008, Caroline Moore, a 14-year-old student from upstate New York, discovered a supernova in a nearby galaxy, making her the youngest person ever to do so. Additional observations determined that the object, called SN 2008ha, is a new type of stellar explosion, 1000 times...
  13. CASPER

    A new search for dark energy begins

    The most ambitious attempt yet to trace the history of the universe has seen "first light." The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), a part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), took its first astronomical data September 14-15 after years of preparations. That night...
  14. CASPER

    XMM-Newton telescope uncovers a celestial Rosetta stone

    XMM-Newton telescope uncovers a celestial Rosetta stone The mysterious object is a white dwarf, the dead heart of a star, shining X-rays into space. September 3, 2009 The European Space Agency's (ESA) XMM-Newton orbiting X-ray telescope captured the first close-up of a white dwarf star...
  15. CASPER

    Big Fat Star Sheds Pounds Like Crazy

    As a large star nears the end of its life it begins to shed mass at a tremendous rate. New observations of the supergiant star Betelgeuse may help scientists finally understand how this feat of weight loss is achieved. Views from the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in...
  16. CASPER

    Mock Supernova Created by Supercomputer

    A new view of supernovas — the spectacular explosions of dying stars — has come not from a telescope, but from a powerful supercomputer simulation. The simulated supernova, revealed in cut-away layers in the rendering, grew out of an effort to develop faster ways to build high-fidelity computer...
  17. CASPER

    Antimatter Annihilation Causes Milky Way Mystery

    Quantcast Antimatter Annihilation Causes Milky Way Mystery By staff posted: 13 July 2009 09:20 am ET Buzz up! Add to delicious Digg It! Digg It! Save to Newsvine Newsvine Add to reddit reddit Comments (54) | Recommend (2) Patterns of a type of high-energy radiation...
  18. CASPER

    Youngest person to discover a supernova

    This teenaged supernova sleuth is working to inspire more young people to explore the hobby of astronomy. June 22, 2009 In November 2008, Caroline Moore, a 14-year-old budding astronomer in Warwick, New York, discovered a supernova. And not just any supernova: This exploding star, dubbed SN...
  19. CASPER

    Could a planetary system survive if its star merged with another, or if its star went

    If a star merged with another star, the planetary system's survival depends on several variables, which include the angle at which the second star is entering, the speed at which it is traveling, and its mass in relation to the first star. A more satisfying answer is that the planetary system...
  20. CASPER

    Planets around Pulsars

    The first extrasolar planets to be discovered in 1991 were (to most astronomers' amazement) around a pulsar! Why this amazed astronomers was that no one could imagine how a planet could get to be around a pulsar. Any planets around the original star should have been destroyed in the supernova...