
  1. Truth Vibrations

    How Nancy Pelosi Saved the NSA Surveillance Program

    Source: Ordering a pizza in 2015:
  2. Truth Vibrations

    The Smoking Teleprompter: Video of RNC Teleprompter Showing Results of Scripted Voting Before Voting Finished

    We have long suspected that politics is rigged. We have long heard the cliched statement that nothing in politics happens by accident. For those among you with little faith, here is your justification and confirmation that you are correct. For those of you with any degree of faith in the system...
  3. 100th Monkey

    Meet the 'Texas Prisoner' who got 40% of the Vote against Obama in W.Va. Primaries..!

    W.Va. Dem Primary: Obama 60%, Felon 40% Texas jailbird Keith Judd comes close in coal country May 9, 2012 A felon serving time in a Texas prison has managed to give President Obama a run for his money in West Virginia's Democratic primary. Keith Judd, who is serving a federal sentence for...
  4. Unhypnotized

    House health-care vote Sunday may hinge on abortion issues

    Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane Washington Post March 21, 2010 House leaders decided Saturday to stage a vote on the Senate’s health-care bill, dropping a much-criticized strategy of allowing lawmakers to “deem” the landmark legislation into law. But the outcome of that vote remained in doubt as...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Stephen Lynch calls health care vote plan ‘disingenuous’

    Says procedural move would hurt Congress Jay Fitzgerald Boston Herald Thursday, March 18, 2010 Even one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s floor whips, U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, says a proposed parliamentary move to pass health-care reform would be “disingenuous” and harm the credibility of...
  6. Unhypnotized

    House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it

    Lori Montgomery and Paul Kane Washington Post March 16, 2010 After laying the groundwork for a decisive vote this week on the Senate’s health-care bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Monday that she might attempt to pass the measure without having members vote on it. Instead, Pelosi...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Senate Health-Care Bill Poised for Passage In Victory for Obama

    Laura Litvan and Kristin Jensen Bloomberg Sunday, Dec 20th, 2009 The U.S. Senate is poised tomorrow to take an early morning vote that will lead toward passage of the most sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health-care system in more than four decades. The vote to cut off debate is scheduled...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Lieberman Digs In on Public Option

    GERALD F. SEIB Wall St Journal Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009 Sen. Joseph Lieberman, speaking in that trademark sonorous baritone, utters a simple statement that translates into real trouble for Democratic leaders: “I’m going to be stubborn on this.” Stubborn, he means, in opposing any health-care...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Irish exit polls show yes majority for Lisbon treaty

    Ireland is on course to ratify the Lisbon treaty, with early tallies showing a strong surge for a yes vote this morning. The outcome of yesterday’s referendum, which will be known later today, is set to put the European Union reform project back on track. As early as 9.30am at the ballot count...