
  1. Truth Vibrations

    Julian Assange Interview CNN - 2 year anniversary of Assange's imprisonment

    Julian Assange Interview on CNN - JUNE 18, 2014 Wikileaks' Julian Assange speaks two years on - Truthloader Fighting Limbo: Assange to release new leaks despite self-imposed incarceration BBC...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Wikileaks - The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

    It is essentially SOPA/PIPA on anabolic steroids, as the report and PDF papers unveils it's an assault on not simply the world wide web, but several areas of daily life. Or as The Guardian puts it: "If instituted," Assange continues, "the TPP’s intellectual property regime would trample over...
  3. 100th Monkey

    The Fifth Estate - A movie about Wikileaks and Julian Assange

    A new movie called the The Fifth Estate will be about Wikileaks and Julian Assange. It looks like it may be a good movie. The movie is due to be released on October 18th 2013. Trailer here: Movie info here: The Fifth Estate (2013) - IMDb
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Beware Spyware: Wikileaks exposes surveillance industry trackers

    Beware Spyware: Wikileaks exposes surveillance industry trackers Published on 5 Sep 2013
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Wikileaks Showdown: Releases an encrypted 'Insurance' File

    Wikileaks just released a 400 gigabyte file that is a heavily encrypted file, entitled "insurance". It could be a large video of a large mass of text documents, no one knows yet. Source:
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Julian Assange Interview on Deomcracy Now - "Bradley Manning Has Become a Martyr" - WikiLeaks

    Bradley Manning Has Become a Martyr" - WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Guilty Verdict2/2 Part 1: Part 2:
  7. Truth Vibrations

    ‘Who controls the past controls the future’: Assange presents massive Project K leak

    Wikileaks just released an new dump of classified information (1.7 million documents). Julian Assange calls these "the single most significant geopolitical publication that has ever existed." Source:
  8. Truth Vibrations

    Bradley Manning supporters stage UK events

    Pte Mannings's trial is due to start next month Events are to be held across the UK, and the rest of the world, to mark the 1,000th day spent in prison by alleged Wikileaks source Bradley Manning.Pte Manning, 25, was detained in May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of passing secret files to the...
  9. 2

    Living Dinosaurs In Wikileaks Video And The Likouala Swamp In The Congo

    Notorious Wiki-leaks at it again. Well it looks like something I see sometimes if I watch History 2 or on occassion Discovery channel when they talk about the dinosaurs, and I have heard the rumors too. What do you all think. Real or hoax. Living Dinosaurs In Wikileaks Video And The Likouala...
  10. 100th Monkey

    Released: WikiLeaks cash blockade 'ordered' by American 'hard-right'

    'They' don't want us to know the truth! Released: WikiLeaks cash blockade 'ordered' by American 'hard-right'
  11. 100th Monkey

    Benedict Cumberbatch to play Julian Assange in biopic..Steven Spielberg's Dreamworks.

    Movie Studios Spar Over Wikileaks Published on 6 Jul 2012 by WSJDigitalNetwork Movie studios are jostling to be the first to bring the story of WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, to the big screen. But when Hollywood attempts to harness a swift-moving news story, the task can be...
  12. 100th Monkey

    War on whisleblowers begins!

    War on whistleblowers has started! Published on 19 Jul 2012 by RTAmerica It's been a full month since WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and asked the South American nation for political asylum. In the meantime, his whistleblower website has remained...
  13. 100th Monkey

    WikiLeaks releases 2.4 million Syria emails..!

    Today, Thursday 5 July 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing the Syria Files – more than two million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012. This extraordinary data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities or domain...
  14. R

    Iran and UN reach nuclear deal; Israel frets

    On Tuesday, the IAEA chief Yukiya Amano on his return from Tehran announced in Vienna that a deal has been reached between IAEA and the Islamic Republic under which IAEA inspectors will be allowed to visit the so-called ‘disputed sites’. The announcement shocked Israel and its western backers...
  15. R

    Assange interviews Hizbullah leader at RT

    On Tuesday, Julian Assange, the controversial co-founder of WikiLeaks opened his new talk show, ‘The World Tomorrow’, at the Russian Television (RT) with an interview with the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah. Watch video below. Hizbullah is the only...
  16. White Rabbit

    Wikileaks Julian Assange show premeres on

    Assange: "I’ll be called a traitor, interviewing radicals" What they would never say on mainstream TV – Julian Assange promises delicious revelations from his guests in The World Tomorrow on RT, hours before the world premiere. RT: Why did you decide to do your own show and become a TV host...
  17. Denise

    Julian Assange Dreams of Becoming Establishment Politico..!

    Kurt Nimmo March 27, 2012 Wikileaks founder and accused sex offender Julian Assange wants to turn his notoriety into a job with the Australian government. He has announced he will run for the Australian senate as a “libertarian.”...
  18. R

    Swedish FM: ‘The Danger is not Iran, but Israel’

    The Swedish Foreign Minister and former prime minister, Carl Bildt, has said that the Zionist entity is the main danger regarding the diplomatic negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran on its nuclear program. During a press conference following the recent meeting of the EU foreign...
  19. Denise

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to run for Australian Senate

    JULIAN Assange's WikiLeaks organisation has announced plans for the former computer hacker to run for the Australian Senate. Despite his continuing detention under house arrest in England over sexual assault allegations, his group's official Twitter account yesterday claimed legal advice...
  20. Denise

    Wikileaks Release: The Global Intelligence Files - Over 5 million emails leaked

    Winning - THE GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE FILES Example of one email: More here: MASSIVE LEAK REVEALS CRIMINALITY, PARANOIA AMONG CORPORATE TITANS Monday 27 February 2012 WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files...