
  1. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key - Pt. 1 - A new 50 minute video

    David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key Pt. 1 of the Full Video! I have a hard time to listen to him because I feel his arrogance, but I am not letting my prejudice stop me from sharing this. Enjoy!
  2. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock update 2013-08-08: The Nightmare is Almost Over: Part II

    New David Wilcock article claim the end is near. Read more here: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/d...st-over-part-2
  3. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock: "Green Light -- Wouldn't It Be Nice?"

    New David Wilcock article, in case anyone is interested. Here is a part of it: http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-he...62-green-light
  4. New UFO Hunter

    Rush Limbaugh on Mars

    David Wilcock has mentioned this is his jumproom video.
  5. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock - Blog Talk radio 9/9/11 & Erskine on Radio 9/17/11

    This is 2 new David Wilcock radio interviews: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tawnint...investigations http://www.erskineonradio.com/archives/archives.html Enjoy :)
  6. Unhypnotized

    David Wilcock And 'The Event'

  7. Unhypnotized


    Posted on Dec 11: a 2+ hour interview with no commercials and no other related interruptions - just fluid talk on both enlightening and sensitive subjects. I recommend this listen to everyone (even if you aren't a Mr. Wilcock advocate) as he covers many of the controversial topics we are...
  8. Unhypnotized

    David Wilcock interviews Graham Hancock 4/28/10

    Interesting combo. Ten videos. David Wilcock interviews Graham Hancock http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list
  9. Unhypnotized

    David Wilcock's New Video & Radio Show on Volcano, Disclosure +More! 21 April 2010

    David Wilcock New Radio Show Its worth a listen... http://www.co-creatornetwork.com/archives_pease/2010-04-18_robert.mp3 David Wolfe interviews David Wilcock at Eden Hot Springs about EVERYTHING!: Full article here...
  10. Unhypnotized

    David Wilcock: 2012 DNA Upgrade
