
  1. S

    Global warming often being confused with toxic waste.

    I myself would often have a hard time separating the earth's tempature fluctuations with the real problem of humanity's polluting of the planet with the chemicals with which we are not only ingesting by spraying them on our food supply, but by releasing them into our watersupply. I think the...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    [Must Watch!] CNN and BBC Caught Faking New with Crisis Actors

    Fake News!! CNN & BBC Busted!! ISIS Is A Fake Threat!! 2014: Shocking proof that crisis actors, green screens, CGI, and paid propagandist are being used to fake worldwide events in order to scare people into giving up liberties, go to war, and create a one world government!!
  3. D

    Council On Foreign Relations To Head One World Government

    Ft. Drum, New York — Conspiracy theorists remain wary of a One World Government. Their suspicions proved correct. Truth-seekers believe the Council On Foreign Relations will head a One World Government.
  4. tonybinca

    Questioning all that I've been taught

    I always thought that if you were very close to a person, they would contact you in some way after passing. My mother who I was very close to passed over a month ago and I have sensed nothing, and not had any feeling of her presence even in dreams. It makes me wonder if my belief in a world to...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Remains of 'end of the world' epidemic found in ancient Egypt

    I guess believing that the end of the world is coming is not that uncommon! lol Source:
  6. Truth Vibrations

    Jordan Maxwell Belongings Burnt to the Ground June 18th 2014!

    Support: The Jordan Maxwell Show | The LEGITIMATE Jordan Maxwell Credits video: Vincent Eastwood - YouTube
  7. Truth Vibrations

    Ben Fulford June 16, 2014: Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?

    June 16, 2014 Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full report here.
  8. 100th Monkey

    CNN: Richard Rockefeller, great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller, dies in plane crash

    What propose do you think this death serves? Richard Rockefeller, great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller, dies in plane crash: Source:
  9. New UFO Hunter

    Richard Dolan : Reclaiming our Destiny from a Lifetime of Truth Suppression

    Great presentation! BIO
  10. New UFO Hunter

    Alien implant analysed by Scientists from aother galaxy

    Scientists have analyzed a supposed 'extra terrestrial' object they claim 'probably comes from outside this solar system'. The analysis is available in this PDF document: Source:
  11. Truth Vibrations

    Benajmin Fulford Aprill 22, 2014

    Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full Report:
  12. White Rabbit

    World Banker Karen Hudes Says "Second Species" Controls Earth

    I find this very interesting! World Banker Says “Second Species” Controls Earth
  13. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, April 1 2014

    Monotheism in crisis as high level insiders claim the Qu’ran and the New Testament were Vatican P2 lodge propaganda Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full Report: Benjamin Fulford April 1, 2014 Monotheism in crisis as high level insiders claim the Qu?ran and the New Testament were...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, March 25, 2014

    Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full Report: Benjamin Fulford March 25, 2014 Talks On Creating Peaceful World Village Proceeding Smoothly Despite Ongoing Cabal Threats | Politics
  15. Truth Vibrations

    Alex Collier’s Perspectives on the World - March 2014

    New update from Alex Collier Mach 2014. Read more: Alex Collier Andromeda Contactee Website
  16. Boiling Frog

    Major Parts of World Ignored by U.S. TV News in 2013

    This is disappeared quickly from other sites, just wanted to keep it safe here. Source; Major Parts of World Ignored by U.S. TV News in 2013 - Inter Press Service
  17. Truth Vibrations

    America Unearthed: The New World Order

    Deep beneath the Denver Airport, conspiracy theorists say a revolutionary group that calls itself the New World Order is operating a secret base from which they'll eventually obliterate our central government. Scott Wolter is determined to get to the truth about this wild allegation. Along...
  18. Truth Vibrations

    Is the white light after we die a trap?

    If so where should we go when we die?
  19. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, 15 October 2013

    More: Ben Fulford
  20. R

    Indonesian President sings Happy Birthday to Putin

    The two-day annual meeting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Bali (Indonesia) concluded yesterday with a joint statement on economic growth. It made a lot of grand declarations but what benefits it will bring to the 99% population of those countries? Your guess is as good as mine...