White House calls on Congress to make ‘illegal streaming’ a felony


Truth feeder
Eric W. Dolan
Raw Story
March 17, 2011

A white paper recently published by the White House’s Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator urged Congress to make “illegal streaming” of content a felony and allow law enforcement to wiretap those suspected of being involved in copyright infringement.

Under current law, copyright infringement already carries felony penalties, but the 20-page*white paper [PDF] noted that questions have been raised about whether broadcasting audio or video live over the Internet constitutes the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works.

The white paper called on Congress “to ensure that DOJ and U.S. law enforcement agencies are able to effectively combat infringement involving new technology” by clarifying that streaming unauthorized audio or video is a felony.

The white paper also recommended that Congress give law enforcement authorities the power to wiretap those suspected of being involved in criminal copyright and trademark offenses.

Full article here
