FBI Warning Public of Massive Computer Virus


I'm just trying to keep everybody informed, got this in my e-mail today.


Updated: 7:17 PM Apr 25, 2012
FBI Warning Public of Massive Computer Virus
Internet users could soon be offline thanks to a group of hackers who created a virus that is laying dormant in an estimated 85,000 computers. And on July 9, infected computers will lose access to the internet.
Posted: 5:44 PM Apr 25, 2012
Reporter: Chris Stover
Email Address: chris.stover@newsplex.com
DNS Changer Virus: How to Check Your Computer


New member
Don't you just LOVE how the actual people who are making these viruses are always the ones to put out a warning? Sure, there's probably a virus, I don't doubt that part, but I love how it's always reported to be "hackers" that put the viruses out there. You know who's REALLY behind these thing, the FBI for one, the anti-virus companies, other agencies with agendas. It's almost never legitimate hackers that are behind these attacks.

And, it's just in time for the new take-over of the internet limiting everyone to only the corporate sites, the controlled sites leaving these little sites that actually MATTER, out of the public's view. Funny, isn't it?

Mark my words, this is all part of the plans to implement the next step these Illuminati have in mind.

Oh, not to mention, by being aware of this "virus", it makes people get or upgrade their anti-virus software, thereby implementing the virus in their own systems. How convenient.


You have to realize that the antivirus companies have to continuously be needed, otherwise people wouldn't use them anymore. So by creating viruses and then curing these viruses, it creates a supply and demand situation.

I believe the viruses are created by the antivirus software companies for the purpose of profit.

Last I heard they said 10,000 viruses are created every week, who has all this time to create this many viruses but paid software engineers working at an antivirus company.

You also need to watch how fast the antivirus companies come up with a solution to the virus, because they had the solution already made before they release the virus. By doing this they look like a hero and people are willing to spend the money to give it to these so-called antivirus companies to solve the problem.

This is a huge scam in the computer industry! And it's keeping some people very wealthy.


New member
Yep. Absolutely. I believe it. You're right on the money, Denise!

Works the same in real life, only the "cure" for the "virus" is not a cure, it doesn't target the problem, it only covers it and gives more problems. Pharmaceutical companies are NO different than anti-virus companies.

Does this remind anyone else of the movie The Net with Sandra Bullock? There was a company selling "security" software to all the big companies, including the government, and this security software had a backdoor in it for them to hack into any computer that the software was running on. They had FULL access.
Doesn't this sound like what these anti-virus companies are up to? Am I the only one who sees this? If you haven't seen the movie, you should. For the case of truthing, you really, really SHOULD watch it. I'm not wrong.

Inflict people with the software that CAUSES the problem so that they come to you for the solution. Yet, before you had the software to PREVENT the problem, there WAS NO PROBLEM! Makes me sick!

100th Monkey

New member
To put it more simply the antivirus software companies manufacture a virus, people ask for a fix, then the antivirus software companies release a per-manufactuer virus fix. People are happy and more will to give them money to keep the antivirus software protecting them from the very same people who are infecting their computers in the first place. And this how many industries function on this planet.

As for the movie The Net, I've never seen it, I'll have to watch it to see what is about.


New member
To put it more simply the antivirus software companies manufacture a virus, people ask for a fix, then the antivirus software companies release a per-manufactuer virus fix. People are happy and more will to give them money to keep the antivirus software protecting them from the very same people who are infecting their computers in the first place. And this how many industries function on this planet.

As for the movie The Net, I've never seen it, I'll have to watch it to see what is about.

I think you nailed it there, Monkey!

You SHOULD watch The Net, it's pretty well the same thing, right in your face (thanks Hollywood).


The whole computers industry has all kinds of scams and it. Like the built-in obsolescence of most of your computer hardware you're using right now. So that you'll buy more in the future and they know that they will get your money.