Congressionial Disclosure Studies Alien Moon Bases - by Gordon Duff VT

Truth Vibrations

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Years of Doctored Data, Video and Photos Disclosed to Congress

Discussions of alien moon bases and videos of structures on the dark side of the moon aren’t new. That congress is investigating, not only the bases themselves but three decades or more of continually doctored data from NASA and defense space projects is news.

Last week, an unusual story was published by World News Tomorrow, alleging that crop circles were created by energy weapons in orbit, systems that were hacked.
This tall tower is approx. 13 miles high, 4 miles in diameter at the base, the dome top has three miles in diameter.

World News Tomorrow is not a simple internet news site. We know better. The video below is from Disclose TV and is claimed to be from a Chinese satellite orbiting the moon. Other sources claim that NASA is the source:

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