
The spear of Jesus
Sunday, April 19, 2009


"The Nazis have archaeological teams that had traveled around the world looking for all sorts of religious artifacts. Hitler was completely insane in that area .." - From the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The film Raiders of the Lost Ark was an exciting fictional saga with bad Germans, an archaeologist and an heroic missing supernatural treasure. The story served as inspiration for the film was also gripping. It comes from a 1973 book that was written by historian Trevor Ravenscroft. The name of the book was The Spear of Destiny (the spear of destiny). The author says that this true story 2000 years ago.

On the day that Christ was crucified (on a Friday), if the Bible tells us, asked the Jews to the Roman governor, Pilate, or his body, together with those of the crucified thieves also removed so that their bodies could not be placed on the Sabbath (Saturday) at the cross would remain in place.

It could take days before someone died on the cross. This process could be accelerated by the breaking of the legs. The thieves were killed in this way but when the Roman soldiers reached Jesus said one of them, according to the history LONGINUS, he was already dead and to prove to thrust his spear into the side of Christ. Blood and water came out. There was no reason for his legs to break.


This act was seen by Christians as the fulfillment of a prediction that was described in the Bible: Because all this is done because the written word had to be fulfilled: No bone of him will be smashed, while another written word says: They will look on Him whom they have pierced. The spear itself was a religious relic. The hack was seen as evidence of his death and subsequent resurrection.

At the moment there are several historical spears said that the "holy spear" from the Bible are. The spear with the most rights and the oldest is located in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna, Austria. This spear can be followed through history to Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor who first Christianity in the early 4th century Volgens Ravenscroft is the spear in the possession of a whole series of successful military leaders including: Theodosius , Alaric (who was responsible for the fall of Rome), Charles Mattel (responsible for the defeat of the Muslims in the year 733, Charlemagne and Barbarossa Fredreric.

And so there grew a legend to the spear around. He who is in possession of the spear can conquer the Earth. Napoleon ventured an attempt to hold after the battle of Austerlitz, but he had already left the city before the fighting started. Napoleon has never achieved its goal. According to legend, Charlemagne the spear during 47 successful battles had in his possession. He would have died when he accidentally dropped spear. Barbarossa was the same fate when he dropped the spear while crossing a river.

The spear was finally right as held by the Hapsburg and sex since 1912, he was part of the collection was stored in the Hofburg museum. According to Ravenscroft it was September of that year that Adolf Hitler, into residence in Vienna, as a young man visited the museum and everything came to know about the spear and his reputation. Dr. Walter Stein, who Hitler during his visit accompanied on this visit informed that: ... "when we for the first time alongside each other for the spear was to me that Hitler in a trance so deep that he was the world around them completely from for lost ... ".

Hitler said later: "I stood there for a few minutes to stare at the object. I am not aware of others. It seemed as if the subject had an inner strength. It felt as if I were the subject at an earlier stage of history was held. As if I was lucky that the spear in former times had held. Like I was the person who had declared my talisman of power. It seemed like I was the person that the fate of the world hands ... "Hitler saw the lance as a mystical link between generations of German leaders who had preceded him in history. On March 14, 1938 he rose to Chancellor of Germany. He annexed Austria and gave the order that the spear, along with the rest of the Hapsburg collection, was transferred to Neuremberg. In this city was the heart of the Nazi movement.

On October 13, the spear with an armored train to the city brought. Since he was housed in the large church where he stayed during the successful period of Hitler's conquests. In 1944, when the Allies were on the winning hand, the spear was transferred to a specially constructed for this purpose underground vault where the article would not suffer from the bombings.

Six months later, on April 30, 1945, the American forces took the vault and the javelin in their care. Eighty minutes later Adolf Hitler died in a bunker in Berlin. He committed suicide. The holy spear is returned to the Hofburg museum. Is the object authentic? General George S. Patton thought so. After the war he became obsessed by the subject and did research into the history.

Hitler really thought that owned it would help to win the war? Other historians had suspected Ravenscroft's research and his books remain controversial. Alan Baker, author of Invisible Egle, The history of Nazi Occultism think the Germans were more interested in the treasures of the Hofburg museum and not only for occult reasons. The spear mystical powers? The Bible says nothing about the spear that the arms of a Roman guard. The most important is, the skeptics and hereby the failure of the Third Reich, that the strength of the spear was just hidden in the brains of the owner.

Source: mysterybases.com

Source: World secrets
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