The coming of the Maitreya Saturday, February 21, 2009


The coming of the Maitreya
Saturday, February 21, 2009

From that core essence, the human, each individually, the Maitreya will actually recognize. When the recognition is there, people will wake up, the man raised from its level of unconsciousness and he will so shaken that he knows him / her to do.

The return of the Christ, is that in human form ie a human or otherwise?

The second coming of Christ will occur in the substance, both in this world as also in the hearts of the people. As mentioned, the birth of Jesus in a collective touch the hearts of people have. In the 2000 years of survival, learning, suffering and struggle, the man at this point, which he can understand that Christ in his own life.

Christ that this form can be changed by an inner attitude of humanity. That man is the Christ is made real in themselves to express. TZT will someone stand, someone will be visible to the human ahw weather will lead to the renewal.

The man is now the man to watch. Is the man who is still at a level of sleepless sleep wrong, wrong in unconscious state. The man who is not awake, a man who is going to be shaken awake. The wake is now on the way to you is displayed. But this is not the way the man wait, the man asks.

The man calls still from an old memory, to be taken. It is now time that people form their own inner leadership is and see its own share in the great change that the world is waiting.

The Masters of Wisdom, the Masters of Wisdom and Love with the head of the Maitreya will definitely work and have been for years on this earth in this solar system. There will be a moment where they really will be visible to many on your planet. This will be the point where people will actually dependency dropped.

Because the Maitreya, the Christ who again will be in the hearts of the people, is not asking for a dependency, not to ask a really depend on what the top man is. But calls for the independence of each man individually, from his own force. Asks the man to rise from his own inner core essence.

From that core essence, the human, each individually, the Maitreya will actually recognize. When the recognition is there, people will wake up, the man raised from its level of unconsciousness and he will so shaken that he knows him / her to do.

My blessing.

I have read that around 2050, but my feeling is the earlier. Can I answer?

Time is linear. Time is something of your world. Time is not something that the Masters of Wisdom are essential préocuper. What this means high group Brothers of humanity is essentially doing, it is the collective wish of the man. When you mention a date is that a framework is that one down, but not fact. When humanity is collectively call such hearing, it will really appeal to be heard. Will also be heard.

It is always human when that will take place, what place to find. Because man has a freedom of choice. Yet every man knows deep in his heart that, as this earth at this moment, not the earth where you want to live. You know deep in your own consciousness, deep in your deepest heart, that this world really is asking for change. See your own place here.

Do you from heart level with each other. When you inwardly feel the urge to change and they want to share your own record, it will call echoing so that certainly will be an answer. Or that in 2050 will take place in the year 2004, that is not important. Of importance is the choice of mankind. The man who feels that a duwkracht in itself, providing us all to lead somewhere.

Source: aquariusage

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