Government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor, disrupt chat rooms

Truth Vibrations

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Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections

More confirmation of big brother, the government says it is "correcting information" then why not declare who they really are? Why hide their identity?

(NaturalNews) You've probably run into them before -- those seemingly random antagonizers who always end up diverting the conversation in an online chat room or article comment section away from the issue at hand, and towards a much different agenda. Hot-button issues like illegal immigration, the two-party political system, the "war on terror" and even alternative medicine are among the most common targets of such attackers, known as internet "trolls" or "shills," who in many cases are nothing more than paid lackeys hired by the federal government and other international organizations to sway and ultimately control public opinion.

Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections