How to delete your accounts from different web services:

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
Even if you’re not Edward Snowden, there are times when excising your social media presence is necessary. Companies usually don’t make it easy, though, often hiding the delete button inside myriad confusing menus and settings. Save some time and bookmark, a new page that collects direct links for killing various accounts dead and puts them all on one, easy-to-use page. is an excellent resource and evidently quite a bit of work went into it. For instance, for Facebook, the link goes directly to the delete button (no “deactivation” shenanigans here.) But not all accounts are as simple: Sometimes you’ve got to contact customer service, or, like Netflix, they’ll cancel your account but won’t delete your data. Even here excels, linking to the relevant help pages and contact forms.

Give Robb Lewis the good Netizen of the month award. Although most competent computer users could eventually find all these various methods to delete online accounts, it’s quite a bit faster (and less frustrating) when they’re all on one page. He even put the source for on Github too — so if he loses interest or the various social media companies change their policies, this killer idea can live on.

Many companies use dark pattern techniques to make it difficult to find how to delete your account. aims to be a directory of urls to enable you to easily delete your account from web services.
The links above are colour-coded to indicate the difficulty level of account deletion:

  • Green: Simple process
  • Yellow: Some extra steps involved
  • Red: Cannot be fully deleted without contacting customer services
  • Black: Cannot be deleted

Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.