
Are all triangle ufo's man made or are they something else ? the current military designs are mostly this shape. even NASA has aircraft that look like triangles, but is it just back engineered technology ?

many people insist that all triangle UFO's are some type of secret military craft but the problem with that thinking is ,they have been reported in the early 1900's when we did not have anything like it.


One reason that black triangles are considered to be manmade military aircraft is the mistaken impression that all sightings of these craft have been within the last twenty years. However, research on past UFO reports has uncovered a significant number of triangle-shaped UFOs dating as far back as the 1930's and possibly even before.

1948 triangle UFO sighting from Project Sign.

links to triangle ufo sightings

this first video here is from the Sonora Sightings website and is being shown on the UFO Hunters show on the History channel

YouTube - Giant Triangle UFO in the sky--REAL
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The Belgium triangle incidents are the most famous and are proof that these craft exist.

Among some of the better documented and investigatable cases that have occurred in the last decade is the rash of UFO sightings which took place over Belgium. Some very poignant factors make this case history extremely rare, with regards to how these cases usually run. Foremost of these determinants is the highly uncommon action of the Belgian government and Air Force, in being very open with their own verifications of the sightings with the public at large. This is the first time that such a sharing of apparently unfiltered military data has been, not only provided, but given over in an earnest attempt to invite public investigation. Beginning in late 1989, a definite UFO "flap" converged on Belgium, with the majority of the sightings occurring in the vicinity of Wallonia. For some time from that point on, literally thousands of people reported seeing triangular aircraft in the Belgian skies, exhibiting flight characteristics which simply cannot be explained, with regard to mundane terrestrial aircraft. Unlike previous flaps, these accounts generated report after report of what, in essence, was exactly the same type of craft. The eyewitness descriptions have been surprisingly similar in the vast majority of these reports. A surprising number of these civilian sightings were confirmed by individuals in the Belgian Air Force, police officers, and air traffic controllers.


The Temporal Doorway - Mr. P.M. and girlfriend, Petit-Rechain, Belgium

UFOs over Belgium - Page 1

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