Tunguska fireball of a chemical was possible comet Saturday, March 28, 2009


Tunguska fireball of a chemical was possible comet
Saturday, March 28, 2009


On June 30, 1908 there were over a populated part of Russia known as Tunguska is that a huge explosion site. The event is probably one of the longest in sustaining mysteries of our planet. What would be an explosion in the atmosphere which can cause a thousand times as much energy was released as the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, an area the size of Luxembourg was hit, and no crater was created? A Russian scientist thinks the answer to this question have found: a comet with a relatively large amount of material in the atmosphere .

A large comet would be more than a century ago have come into contact with the upper part of the Earth's atmosphere, where debris from the object entered the atmosphere. The collision led to the most powerful chemical explosive that this day was seen and what took place by the warming of the chemicals in the discharged material. In fact it was part of the comet of a hydrogen bomb.

Twelve years ago was a large object like North America, where many species extinct. An enormous amount of dust and ash was blown into the atmosphere, making our planet cooled significantly and was still living mammoths did not survive. The explosion over Tunguska was an equally large amount of energy, but fortunately not hit the piece of rock and the humankind was a disaster avoided. Well, the night sky in the northern hemisphere a few days lit.

But how can Edward Drobyshevski - that the investigation carried out - of the Russian Academy of Sciences so sure that more than one hundred years ago was a part of a large comet and not a smaller copy? He was the amount of energy released by the chemical explosion smaller than the so-called kinetic energy of the object. This indicates probably that the material that exploded from a comet, because the clip the top of the atmosphere with a lower entry rate than it would have been if it was a comet or asteroid. The material fell slowly into the earth's surface and it burnt the clip before it reached the ground.

Source: Universe Today

Source: astroversum