US: Trianular UFO over Tucson, Arizona - Black military project or Extraterrestrial

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
In the last few hours reports are coming in via 'Twitter' as well as local Television broadcasts that a Triangular UFO has been observed by hundreds if not thousands of people in Tucson, Arizona this evening. News agencies are being overwhelmed with calls related to the sighting. A video of what's being said on television can be seen below. A similar sighting was reported by no less than 5 Police Officers in Lebanon USA not so long ago and a video pertaining to this can be seen too. Should you have any video footage of the object, photographs of the object or just witnessed it this evening - we'd love to hear from you - please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Update - We're delighted to say that video footage of the craft has been located - it is the third video to be seen below - the craft DOES NOT maneuver in ways traditionally associated with aircraft. It can be clearly seen that it is triangular in nature and surely represents extra-terrestrial technology or a Military design and capability kept secret from the public. But why then would it be in such a built up area? A forum discussion on this event can be found by clicking here