UFO and 'alien' used in State of Illinois earthquake preparedness video game

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
The State of Illinois is using 'higher intelligence' in a video game to teach young people about preparing for, or responding to, earthquakes. A 'space alien' in a flying domed disc offers the instructions. A sample of the video game can be viewed at a posting on Paranormal Utopia.
The game can be downloaded at the Illinois State Government web site http://ready.illinois.gov. The site states:

"A new video game offers a fun way for young people to learn about emergency preparedness and earthquake safety. The video game, entitled 'The Day the Earth Shook,' helps players learn about items needed for a disaster preparedness kit, as well as safe and dangerous locations in a home when an earthquake occurs. Once players successfully complete the game for the first time, they can replay it for scores that would land them on the leader board.