New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Stephen Bassett, Cheryll Jones, and George Noory spoke with Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell (Ph.D.) during the exopolitical event: "The X-Conference" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in May 2010.

Edgar Mitchell was the 6th man to walk on the moon and was physically present at the press club one year before. During the press conference in 2009, which was transmitted live by CNN, he called upon the Obama administration to disclose the extraterrestrial presence.

Watch our recording of the 2009 press conference:

This year (2010) he was unfortunately not able to make it to Washington but Stephen Bassett got hold of him via Skype. One of the things Mitchell told the audience was that the media's interest in the disclosure issue has increased since 2009, i.e. he has received many requests for interviews since his statements at last year's press conference.

The X-Conference's host Stephen Bassett is the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and an activist/lobbyist based in Washington DC.

The X-Conference co-host Cheryll Jones is a former CNN news anchor.

George Noory is the main host on the radio station Coast to Coast AM.

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