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UFO NEWS | Area 51| Book Exposed: Jacobsen's Secret Source Revealed with Interview

By Anthony Bragalia
The Bragalia Files

Annie Jacobsen’s recently released bestseller Area 51 has stirred global interest. She has been featured numerous times on many networks and websites. Her book was reviewed last week by the New York Times. Jacobsen’s biggest “scoop” concerns the Roswell crash. She learned from an early executive of one of our nation’s largest defense contractors that the Roswell crash of 1947 was resultant from a scheme by Russia’s Josef Stalin and escaped Nazi mad-scientist Josef Mengele to “hoax” the Americans by staging UFO sightings. The plan was to induce panic and psychological warfare in the manner of the Orson Welles War of the World broadcast aftermath. They would launch unusually-designed craft from a “mothership” (located near Alaska.) These were single-wing, remote-controlled “UFOs” with “alien-like” children on board. The craft were of Nazi German design (captured by the Soviets at the close of the War) and the “aliens” were actually 13 year olds. The grotesque child aviators were biologically engineered by Mengele with strange large heads and oddly spaced eyes. The craft and pilots had crashed near Roswell in July of 1947 and were flown to Wright Field. In 1951, Jacobsen’s source maintains, the crashed vehicle and the two still-surviving deformed children were taken to Area 51 and to the facilities of defense contractor EG&G (now URS Corporation)


This author has identified and located Annie Jacobsen’s anonymous source. I have also decided, after much consideration, to “out” him. In this article I will openly name him. I have also contacted him very recently. He reluctantly spoke with me for some time. I believe that the source was indeed told this bizarre story by officials. But just why this is so will stun readers, and is not for the reasons that you may think.


Ms. Jacobsen’s source about this Roswell story is unnamed by her in the blockbuster book. He wanted to remain anonymous. Annie Jacobsen kept her promise. I did not learn her source from her or from anyone associated with her publishing company. His identity and his background is revealed here and now:


Alfred O’Donnell is nearly 89 years old and he is one of Annie Jacobsen’s key sources about this Roswell crash story “interpretation.” O’Donnell is indeed exactly who he claims to have been. In the early 1950’s he was at the “Nevada Test Site” where atomic bombs were tested regularly. O’Donnell was indeed part of the nucleus of top management and engineers for EG&G- one of our nation’s top defense contractors. Founded as Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier (EG&G) the company was acquired by URS Corporation some years ago. URS employs over 50,000 and is the leading designer and builder of federal classified facilities in the United States. They work with military as well as with the Intelligence Community (particularly the NSA) in constructing and operating some of our nation’s most sensitive and secret facilities.

O’Donnell joined EG&G in 1947 when the company employed only 15 people. He worked alongside the company’s founders and obtained Top Secret Clearance to work on our nation’s nuclear arsenal. He helped to develop explosives research protocols and optimized the firing systems of bomb devices. O’Donnell – a Bostonian - is a brilliant man who made significant contributions to EG&G and to our nation’s defense for many years. EG&G – and O’Donnell - had specialized expertise in electronically capturing and measuring the energy that was emitted from DOE nuclear blasts in the remote Nevada desert.


Transcribed Interview with Alfred O'Donnell, Formerly of EG&G

May 26, 2011 (Afternoon)

AO = Source "Alfred O’Donnell"
TB = Author Tony Bragalia speaking to O'Donnel

AO: Hello…

TB: Hi Mr. O’Donnell, my name is Tony Bragalia, a freelance journalist in Florida..How are you doing?

AO: Fine, and who are you again? (I repeat above)

TB: I’m a researcher, including of things like military history and the history of science. I happened to see an online article about an ‘Alfred O’Donnell’ that was from the Review-Journal. It’s called “100 Men Who Shaped Southern Nevada” It discusses your early work at EG&G in the 50s in nuclear blast testing and measurement.

AO: Oh, oh, yes… I do remember that. I recall that very well.

TB: It was written by a “ K.J. Evans”…

AO: Yes, he’s dead now. That article was written some time ago. Some years ago.

TB: It’s found its way onto the Internet so the story is everywhere now, forever…So I do have the right Alfred O’Donnell who was with EG&G in the ‘40s and 1950s?

AO: Yes, that’s me.

TB: Well, of course you must be aware then of the recent bestseller by Annie Jacobsen that is entitled Area 51?

AO: I am. (silence/pause)

TB: You know Annie?

AO: I do know Annie.

TB: Well you said something to Annie Jacobsen about the subject that I’d like to talk with you about…

AO: I don’t talk about my work at Area 51.

TB: Well, EG&G does not seem to be the kind of place that would be reverse engineering a Soviet craft and also doing biological experiments and analysis, there were better places….

AO: Well, you really need to speak with the Publicity Director at Little Brown.

TB: Why them?

AO: They published the book.

TB: What do they know more about all of this than you do?

AO: They don’t. But I’m not saying anything…

Tony, how…how did you find me?

TB: I am a researcher of some of these things. I think sort of like a computer when I am investigating. I googled key words. I happened across the article on you. I knew intuitively that you are Annie’s source, Alfred. And of course you are, so…

Alfred, you must realize that you have an obligation to truth and to history to come forward publicly. This is a much larger issue. It is about having people understand what really happened -if this is what really did- and to not believe in fantasies..things that aren’t scientific or historical truth…

AO: I know…I understand… what you’re saying, Tony.

TB: You know Alfred, I communicated with Dr. Stirling Colgate at Los Alamos recently and he made a recent confession about a UFO hoax that he was aware of from many, many years ago.

AO: Oh…

TB: Colgate is in his 90s and he’s still at Los Alamos. He confirmed to me that the famous Socorro, NM case involving a policeman in 1964 was a hoax by some of his students from New Mexico Tech. But it took him over 40 years to really say something! Colgate took to a real long time to tell the truth. And he still is reluctant…but his allegiance was in the wrong place for too long. It was to his kids at the college!…

AO: (Laughs) So how did you find out about him?

TB: Through a letter that I had found in some archives from Stirling Colgate to his friend Linus Pauling, who had an interest in UFOs I found out. In his reply, Colgate told Pauling the truth that it was a hoax.

AO: Who is that he wrote to?

TB:Linus Pauling.

AO: Oh! Yes…

TB: So my point is that we will all pass. And because of this we all have larger obligations as we get older. As a scientist you must understand this, truth is it. It’s really all that we want have in the end.

Will you leave anything - a document in writing to benefit history and science on all of this before you pass, including your name?

AO: I don’t know. I don’t think so.

TB: I think you must forget about your oaths and clearances. The Soviet threat is no longer. It is more than six decades on Alfred! I sometimes almost get emotional about all of this…doesn’t, does not truth mean anything? Why have our children’s children believe in fantasy, if this is what it was?

AO: I will think about it. I will give it some consideration…

TB: Alfred, have other people called you about this?

AO: I’m not going to say anything at all about that.

TB: Well, people come to very different conclusions that you do on all of this. The Air Force says that it is a Mogul balloon, others say it was a terrestrial secret experiment by German Paperclip scientists…

AO: Yes, I have heard about that one.

TB: Well, I will level with you Alfred. I come down on the side of truth - it was an extraterrestrial vehicle that crashed. And frankly I think that you know this and that you were “played with.”

I am certain that the craft was constructed of materials that were not known to science in 1947. I based this on many things including on my study of the history of Shape Recovery Alloys. They had reported they found “memory metal” at Roswell that was tough and would return back to its original shape. I found that in the months immediately following the crash that Wright Patterson contracted Battelle Memorial Institute to begin work on what we now know as Nitinol. I traced the scientific documents on Shape Memory metals to the incident. When you are reverse engineering, it is always easiest to begin with the ‘materials of construction’ –what is it made of- not the propulsion or navigation systems…

AO: Yes..I follow.

TB: And, Alfred, I will be candid with you: you must come forward. You are a man of science. You have lived for the discovery of truth. Why do you care now? Say what needs to be said. I mean I know you have. But openly. You know Annie is taking a beating on this. I frankly would like to know, as someone who believes in truth and accurate history…you are a man who honors science…you must know what I mean…

AO: Tony, look, I will say this to you: if the Federal Government really wanted to have all of this released, why would they not have already done it themselves?

TB: I don’t know. But you do Alfred. And I do respect your respect for your oath and your security clearances.

If we could get you a release from the Department of Defense to speak of this- of the truth of Roswell- would you then be open to speaking openly?

AO: No. I would not. I just…I just cannot get involved like that.

TB: Oh, one more last thing…

AO: Yes.

TB: Do you think that when URS acquired EG&G a few years back that they also got all of the early scientific and historical records from EG&G? I mean would they even know now? Many of the people there at URS now weren’t yet even born when this happened…

AO: I don’t know. I really have no idea.

TB: Again, Alfred, I have an understanding of the Intelligence Community –IC- and of the Defense communities, so I do understand where you are coming from. Thanks for all of your time, I really do appreciate it very much…

AO: OK, Tony, Goodbye.

TB: Goodbye.


I found Alfred O’Donnell to be telling the truth as he remembers it – and likely as he himself claims to have witnessed it. He was extremely lucid, deliberate and controlled in his responses to me. Frankly he seemed years and years younger on the phone. Like author Annie Jacobsen, I find O’Donnell to remain a bright and believable person.

However, I do not believe that the “essence” of what he was told was true. O’Donnell says that he viewed a hoaxed UFO by Stalin that was used to scare us - and that used a former Nazi’s eugenics skills to create the aviators. O’Donnell told Jacobsen that they were “grotesque.” O’Donnell also told Jacobsen that he and his other scientist cohorts at EG&G were “prepared” for the sight of them. They were told in advance that “seeing the bodies would be a shocking and disturbing experience.”

But the truth is this: It was all staged.” O’Donnell was indeed exposed to what he says he was- but this “exposure” was planned, it was for a reason - and the accompanying story that he was told was not genuine.

You can read the rest here...