New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
11 real flying saucer designs that were made here on Earth (5 with videos below)

Due to size restrictions I could only put up a few pictures and video but for the full story click here.

The fact that they have worked or are currently working on these vehicles is rather startling, one is for the deployment of nuclear weapons and another can carry 1100 passengers!​

Lenticular Reentry Vehicle​


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1. Lenticular Reentry Vehicle U.S. government documents declassified in 2000 reveal that back in the '60s, the U.S. military was working on a way to deliver nuclear missiles from orbit with a manned flying saucer called the lenticular reentry vehicle, or LRV. Launched on top of a conventional rocket, the LRV could spend six weeks in orbit while supporting a crew of four, relying on its saucer shape to dissipate heat when returning to Earth and acting as a wing to glide to a landing.​

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2. EKIP According to the "information" on the EKIP website, this flying saucer is poised to be the greatest thing since triple-distilled vodka. Internal jet engines have their thrust partially directed downward, creating an air “cushion” that both adds to lift and acts as landing gear. A 300 ton version carrying 100 tons of cargo or passengers will be able to take off in about 1,500 feet on either grass or water, and it’s supposed to be twice as efficient as a conventional aircraft. Scale models have been flown successfully and there’s a fully-scale prototype in a hangar somewhere just waiting for more funding.​

Locomosky Sky Thermoplan​

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3. Locomo Sky Thermoplan A thermoplan is a saucer-shaped blimp of sorts, with one key difference: instead of being filled entirely with helium, a thermoplan also contains air that can be heated or cooled by its engines to provide dynamic lift, like a hot air balloon. The saucer profile allows it to stay stable even in high winds, and the design is scalable to carry up to 600 tons of cargo or 11,000 (!) passengers. A Russian company has had at least one prototype thermoplan in the air since 2009, and they’re reportedly building a fleet of them for heavy cargo lifting.

Couzinet RC360
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A 3/5th scale model made of wood with what appeared to be working blades was built and tested, but the project lost funding before a prototype could be completed

4. Couzinet RC360 Aerodyne Frenchman René Couzinet designed this flying saucer with two counter-rotating discs that spun around the perimeter of the craft. Each disc had 50 airfoil vanes to provide lift and control. The pilot sat under the glass bubble in the middle, and six turbojet engines embedded in the body provided the lifting power while another engine underneath was for forward thrust.​

Source and to read the full story