New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
UFO%252C+UFOs%252C+arizona%252C+NSA%252C+CIA%252C+  conspiracy%252C+news%252C+cover+up%252C+cover-up%252C+alien%252C+aliens%252C+ET%252C+sighting%25  2C+sightings%252C+MUFON%252C+report%252C+WTF+crapp  y+liers1.png

UFO%252C+UFOs%252C+arizona%252C+NSA%252C+CIA%252C+  conspiracy%252C+news%252C+cover+up%252C+cover-up%252C+alien%252C+aliens%252C+ET%252C+sighting%25  2C+sightings%252C+MUFON%252C+report%252C+WTF+crapp  y+liers2.png

Date of sighting: September 14, 2011
Location of sighting: Arizona

Another video of the UFO over Arizona, California and Nevada (and a few other states) was released. Check out this UFO as it fades in and out. The NSA is trying to spread rumors using the media (like that's new) that its a meteor. LOL, what a pathetic attempt to cover up this sighting. Have you ever seen a low flying meteor that fades in and out and flies horizontal to the ground over many states? I think not. Meteors have tails, much like the demon seed who spread rumors that its a meteorite.
