UFO Over Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Sept 27, 2011

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
UFO%252C+UFOs%252C+orb%252C+orbs%252C+thunder+bay%  252C+ontario%252C+canada%252C+sighting%252C+sighti  ngs%252C+report%252C+mufon%252C+destination+truth%  252C+hunters%252C+alien%252C+aliens%252C+ET%252C+W  56%252C+uredda%252C+odd%252C+strange1.png

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2011
Location of sighting: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Eyewitness states: "UFO sighting September 27th 2011, 8:40pm Observed over a tree farm in Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada. Object estimated to be less than 1 Kilometre away. Object appeared in sky out of nowhere slowly moved to the right and then back to the left, hovered then began to come closer towards us. Started to run at the end of the video, saw object began to descend and lost sight after it went below tree line. No sound from object. Dark area on the horizon in the video is the tree line we are standing at the front left corner of a large field and the tree farm is a grid seperated by rows of trees. Object appeared in the Northwest."



New member
Wow. almost looks as if its changing shape there. Or is it just the amount of light on the lens with the zoom in and out? Either way, it DOES change into multiple lights and then back to 1.

Cool UFO video! Whether or not it's alien remains to be seen. Could be alien, could be top secret. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

100th Monkey

New member
Well NORAD is located in that area of Canada, I wounder if they picked anything up? They have a huge underground complex built decades ago. So I am not surprised they have UFO sightings there, I am also surprised they don't have more.

White Rabbit

New member
I seen the North Bay Canada NORAD facility on the Discovery Channel, its big, but as far as I know it is officially closed and open to public tours. Thats the impression I got form the Discovery Channel show I watched, can anyone confirm any of this? I live too far way to drive there....

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
Oh I guarantee NORAD is still open, but they are now monitoring you and me, not Russia. They never really intend it to monitor Russia.


New member
I know if i wanted to fake a ufo sighting i would make sure the camera moved a lot and then claim it was because i was running from the supposed object. Doesn't look unusual to me.


New member
So, you're thinking it has something to do with NORAD then?

I guess if they are still operational, this would make sense, whether it's alien or of earth origin.

tell me more

New member
Cool vid. I just wish it was a little more stable. Not a plane/jet or just a light on a pole somewhere, because that wouldn't cause it to split into 3 or so lights. Ufo's have always fascinated me. I love Ufo's and aliens. I'm just now able to take more of an active interest in the subject.