New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
December 17, 2011

Veracity computer software capable of detecting lies told with an accuracy rate of an amazing 86 to 99% applied to testimony of 1947 Roswell UFO incident key witness Major Jesse Marcel confirmed that he had been telling the whole truth.

Human ability to detect lies is at best 50-50, but two Stevens Institute of Technology professors recently stunned the worlds of law enforcement, criminal forensics and insurance companies by the development of so-called veracity computer software capable of detecting lies told with an accuracy rate of an amazing 86 to 99%.

When recently applied to the video testimony of 1947 Roswell UFO incident key witness Major Jesse Marcel, this incredible program confirmed that he had been telling the whole truth as he believed it to be. The software, now much in demand obviously, was written by Doctors Raj Chandramouli and Kodusayur Subbalakshmi, and is set to revolutionize crime detection.

This amazing programme combs any testimony for a total of 88 psycholinguistic clues, far more sensitive than traditional lie detectors, and does not even require that a subject be hooked up to any machine for it to be successfully employed. As long as there is taped or video recorded conversation by the subject, even if they are deceased, the software will ferret out any lying that they do.

Major Marcel had claimed to have discovered a lot of debris at the crash site that was not only paper-thin metallic in nature, but also impervious either to blows from a sledgehammer or the application of fierce heat. His contention all along was that such materials were, as far as he knew, unknown on earth at that time, so the aircraft spread over that field must have been of extra-terrestrial origins.

Analysis of the recorded words of the Major, employing the new software, reveal that he was indeed speaking the whole truth as far as he believed it to be, indicating that the 1947 crash site may well, indeed have been the subject of a mysterious US government cover-up, to what end it seems doubtful the general public will ever get to know. The truth is definitely out there, but getting at it may be mission impossible, at least for now.